Recent content by dope smoker

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    Not certain of her exact age but she got her first hairs at node 6. I switched her to 12/12 seven days ago. I'm also growing an LSD in a closet under a DIPINGX 600 Watt LED that has skinny fingers like in your pic. I don't grow outside anymore because of climate change and they've had a tendency...
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    I don't know where you get your seeds from, but I've gotten mine from Attitudeseeds, Weedseeds, Barneysfarm, Drkrippling, Nirvanashop, Seedsman and many more but I currently buy from Herbisheadshop who have an excellent customer service team and I can buy singles from their budget section for as...
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    Female seeds from a clone?

    Are you a kiwi?
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    Female seeds from a clone?

    Yes not that I need them because I've got a bit of a glut of seeds at the moment with enough to probably outlive me. The main reason I've been giving them away is because imo all kiwis should have equal opportunity and be able to get their hands on weed grown from much better quality genetics...
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    Female seeds from a clone?

    Thanks for your quick reply. I like to think that I'm a pretty experienced grower my self so until I know different I'm going to treat all of the remaining seeds as possible females. I'm going to be giving more of them away to friends and friends of friends, the only criteria being that they...
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    Female seeds from a clone?

    A couple of years ago I gave an LSD clone to a friend. I bumped into him again a few months ago, and when I asked him how he got on, he told me that he'd grown it in his backyard and that it had gone to seed, and he asked me if I wanted it back and (no bullshit people) I got 600 seeds off of it...