Recent content by doobiesnax

  1. D

    outdoor yeld

    this must be a really old clone, im doing some serious input on mine theyre only 4ft. Id like some pics.
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    Homemade Organicssss

    Back when I first started growing, before I could afford to go out and buy nutes, I used egg shells, hair, feathers, syrup, molasses, vitamins haa whatever. Theirs a lot of things you could used you just have to be able to break them down into your roots... blenders come in hand. just keep your...
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    Outdoor- Purple Growth = Good or bad?

    I have 6 other plants nearby under the same conditions and this purple is only to be found on the top of a head that leans off to the side, not directly on top.
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    Outdoor- Purple Growth = Good or bad?

    the temp doesnt get lower than 65 degrees, and no its not on the stems its only like a blotch on one of the leaves..
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    Outdoor- Purple Growth = Good or bad?

    :leaf: Hey all, this is my 2nd year growing. first year was fairly successful. this year I have noticed that on the top of one of the crowns of my 12 headed plant from supercropping has started some purple on the leaves. The purple is blotched on of of the new smaller leaves and has some purple...
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    Should I Vege Inside or Out?

    Keep your plants indoor for as long as possible. but every other day bring them outside when its sunny and let them adjust to outdoors. Try to let your plants do a 24/6 cycle. you need to keep track so you dont hermie. the more light it gets the more energy, but darkness is needed for growth.
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    increase thc level

    get some mollases.
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    Growing in a tree

    Smells like some bullshit to me. i really doubt this because wood is far too thick for the plants roots to penetrate. IDK maybe im wrong tell your friend to get pics or something.
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    In need of help asap

    thatll work for a little while.. until your plants get too big.
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    just wondering

    The buckets are a different case then. I think they would grow outstanding because its very hot out and the sun beams on them.. if you can find a good enough spot id go for it.
  11. D

    outdoor odor control and other questions????

    dead carcass can cover up smell. If it is rotted other animals will not be attracted because of the smell, it will actually repell. Id find a dead skunk and pick up with gloves bag it let it sit in the bag with a couple holes in it. sounds fucking sick but itd work. As far as helicopters, try to...
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    just wondering

    i personally think it would die fairly quick. if it was only in sand it would dry out unless if it had constant moisture. thats why sand is in the form that its in. their is little to no moisture. on my last grow i layered the top with sand so the plant could get nutrients much faster, thats the...
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    pinching fan leaves

    If you've ever grown a monster yourself you would know. I'm an outdoor grower and I was referring to outdoor at the time, and was pretty ripped not realizing I was talking about indoor. lower branches have weaker bud sights due to lack of sunlight. Many leaves and some branches WILL FALL OFF.:leaf:
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    pinching fan leaves

    during flowering lower branches and fan leaves eventually fall off. energy is already stored in the plant. however, it is best to let the plant just grow, but if you really need space it woudnt hurt.
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    removin lower branches late in flower

    Lollipopping s mentioned.. you are a bit late for lollipopping which is to point all energy to the buds basically.. you can still trim these lower branches for minor changes. make sure your only watering with water no nutes.