Recent content by DoobieMiles45_

  1. DoobieMiles45_


    No I don’t ima do that right now this my second time doing this so I’m still learning I appreciate yall forreal
  2. DoobieMiles45_


    I’m in a cup right now It’s 21 days from seed And I’m using happy frog
  3. DoobieMiles45_


    Hey just was wondering first time should I transplant once into a 5 gallon pot or should do it twice and move up to the 5 gallon just not sure and also how long is the average time for veg
  4. DoobieMiles45_


    Ahhhh okay cause I thought you had to cure it to smoke it
  5. DoobieMiles45_


    Sorry if this is a dumb question but I see people online or ig curing there weed but also smoking it so did they wait like a week or so or did they just take it right after trimming ?
  6. DoobieMiles45_

    Make or female

    Thanks guys appreciate it
  7. DoobieMiles45_

    Make or female

    Just trying to see if it’s a male or female first time grower
  8. DoobieMiles45_

    Male or female

  9. DoobieMiles45_

    Male or female

    Is that a better look
  10. DoobieMiles45_

    Male or female

    Thank you I appreciate that and sorry was trying to really get close
  11. DoobieMiles45_

    Male or female

    42 days
  12. DoobieMiles45_

    Male or female

    First time growing just trying to see if it’s male or female
  13. DoobieMiles45_


    What is compost tea?
  14. DoobieMiles45_


    Thank you man your the shit