Recent content by donmagicjuan

  1. donmagicjuan

    i have to change now that i have to go legal.i have a few ?s

    i drew it out im going 5 gallon bucket which are 1 ft wide i should have room for the inner tent the ac and 6 good size plants its a pain in the ass but im going to capitalize and subvert the system by getting better gear 1600w for 6 plants should be pretty cool... this honey hole in the woods...
  2. donmagicjuan

    i have to change now that i have to go legal.i have a few ?s

    idk i think its a user list not necessarily a grower list per say, theres also so many people on it they would have to go after a good percentage of the population. i dont think its going back totally illegal for a long time. i wouldnt have done it either but i got caught so if i want to grow...
  3. donmagicjuan

    i have to change now that i have to go legal.i have a few ?s

    might be a bit different here but the cops told me they dont care anymore and there was no charges. it was not a raid on me it was for my scum bag old roommate but i got caught up. so im legal now.... i think im going to do a 4x8 gorilla tent with a 3x3 inside of it for a veg tent. ive been...
  4. donmagicjuan

    i have to change now that i have to go legal.i have a few ?s

    i was doing 12 plants at a time start to finish then taking a break and starting again type of cycle. Now that i have gone legal i can only have 6 flowering and 6 vegging. I have to decide about tents now that i have to grow perpetually. my size was 6ft x3 ft. i can only have two main lights...
  5. donmagicjuan

    has anyone had hermie issues with tangie res-privada?

    i knew some one would say that.. my lighting situation is pretty good there was just 2 nights where a light got turned on for about 2 minutes... could be my fault but ive done worse and not triggered the nanner armada. plus only the tang?...idk its a near perfect grow besides that i suspect the...
  6. donmagicjuan

    has anyone had hermie issues with tangie res-privada?

    my darkness my not have been perfect every minute but i did a pretty good job same as usual and a few of the tangies are herming but none of the other types are. so im wondering if this shit has hermed on anyone else. ive been picking bats/nanners/ whatever u want to call them off every other...
  7. donmagicjuan

    whats up with cancerous light warrior from fox farm?

    im very interested to hear if you guys switched or if its bs or what not it must be true if they are getting sued??
  8. donmagicjuan

    whats up with cancerous light warrior from fox farm?

    thanks for that read im pissed must think
  9. donmagicjuan

    whats up with cancerous light warrior from fox farm?

    no im talking about the new cancer warning on the bag
  10. donmagicjuan

    whats up with cancerous light warrior from fox farm?

    follow toxic death? whats up with this shwagg has it always been like this or is this a new thing?im thinking i have to switch...
  11. donmagicjuan

    does it make sense to toss a ball of finger hash into a bubble bag or would it just waste it?

    idk i was wondering if since its already balled up from my gloves if it would do anything for bubble bag hash or if it would just sit in the work bag and not do anything? would i be better keeping the shitty glove hash as is or should i toss it in the bags, basically?thankksss
  12. donmagicjuan

    need kingfish live music.. can someone special help me out with a good torrent site or paysite?

    um a quick search yielded nothing does anyone know anywhere to get live shows from the band kingfish??
  13. donmagicjuan

    does anyone want to talk trimmers i need to do something

    yeah i can spend a month trimming any more... the way i grow i have complicated branches not simple shit like i see in the videos do u think these things could mangle buds and id have to be careful?
  14. donmagicjuan

    does anyone want to talk trimmers i need to do something

    im looking at table trimmers how are these one complicated branch structure will they eat my nugs? do bowl trimmers suck i like well trimmed stuff im super picky but i cant spend a month doing this
  15. donmagicjuan

    need Rick Danko & Paul Butterfield at Boulder's Blue Note download??

    this is so kick ass (start at beginning) i must get it in my music collection but im having trouble finding a torrent or cd or anything but the youtube vid any suggestions?