Recent content by Don MaJic

  1. Don MaJic

    Bud dryer - manicured to smoke in 3 days

    Ok, thanks ABF. It seems to be very hard stuff to source in usable amounts (or at a realistic price) in this area, but I'm sure I'll find some eventually. Otherwise, it looks like I'm going down the import route. Yeah, it's funny how most other sites that advertise H2O2 have "do not ingest"...
  2. Don MaJic

    Bud dryer - manicured to smoke in 3 days

    Hey Al, I've referred to your threads here on RIU for information for quite some time now, so having never posted to say so, I just want to take a quick mo' to show appreciation for the knowledge that you pass on. So, thanks mate! :smile: Anyway, I have a quick question regarding H2O2, if you...
  3. Don MaJic

    Could an 84 year old man who has never used pot, use it to help and try to cure his p

    I don't think it would cause any harm shredder. I wish my gran would smoke some MJ, she suffers from chronic pain, but I just don't think she'd take any non prescribed medication whatsoever. I've spoken to her about it, but judging her reaction, I can't see it happening.
  4. Don MaJic

    First time ecstasy trip:

    ^^^^ +1. Believe me, you would know about it if it was a proper pill. I never forget the first time I dropped a pill (around 10 years ago or so). I was with a friend who had done them before. He gave me a pill which was a VDub, so I necked it and carried on partying. About 40 minutes had gone...
  5. Don MaJic

    need info/pics of how to lolipop for SOG

    No probs man. That's a good thread to sift through, it takes a while but Al goes into quite alot of detail.
  6. Don MaJic

    need info/pics of how to lolipop for SOG

    Have you had a look at Al B Fuct's thread?
  7. Don MaJic

    Weed 4 Reading fest 2009

    Ahh, fair enough.
  8. Don MaJic

    Weed 4 Reading fest 2009

    Are you already flowering with this batch? Because I was thinking, if you're still in veg, you could take clones and then keep them in veg until approx 8-10 wks (or so) before Reading Fest and then flower?
  9. Don MaJic

    My grow room video

    Me too! Lol. Looking good bro.
  10. Don MaJic


    There are lots of ways. Try searching for "stealth" using the search function. I always use the "search for thread titles" option, searching for posts containing the keywords never seems to work for me.
  11. Don MaJic

    Clipping Question - 1 week into flowering.

    Exactly! Many times it will almost grow in spite of you lol.
  12. Don MaJic

    Clipping Question - 1 week into flowering.

    Sounds like lollipopping essentially. Should be no probs.
  13. Don MaJic

    Asshole Stoner... Stuffed Cat Inside Bong

    There are some twisted people in this world.
  14. Don MaJic

    Q's about cloning

    Lollipopping is where you cut the branches from the lower 1/3 of the plant, leaving just the top cola growing, therefore you can grow more plants in a smaller space and all the plants energy is sent directly to top cola. I've never heard at what point you would do it though.
  15. Don MaJic

    Q's about cloning

    Does anyone know at what time you would lollipop the clones in a SOG environment? After rooting them obviously, but do you lollipop them and the throw them into flower? Also, do you have to keep stripping the bottom 1/3 of the plant to stop growth?