Recent content by DON DAPA


    Into wk 6 veg !!! big bud n train wreck how's mi green fingers doing...?

    Yeh starting from seed a 75 litre tube with 2 net pots 5 inch gonna chuck a few air stones in see if i can blast some big cola's outa the big bud...trainwreck was really nice smoke folk loved it so doin that again and of course big bang might do one in aqua farm see how it

    Into wk 6 veg !!! big bud n train wreck how's mi green fingers doing...?

    I was using a 600w and 1 400w last off i had to be careful cos of heat was getting high switched between cooltube 600w and just normal 400w......Got 22 and a half oz dry from this....Just doing some Trainwreck and Big bud xxl now from seed and some Big bang so might start another...

    LetsGetCritical's 2nd Grow Mainline Experiment

    Yeah mate these are looking great...Anyways sorry Ive not been around ...busy at moment...But still these look great so good luck matey ....take care bro..:) just started to add canna flush to mine for the next week or so soon...

    Into wk 6 veg !!! big bud n train wreck how's mi green fingers doing...?

    Well i've now added the pk13-14 so this week we shall see how much it fattens these boo-der-la's up.....

    First Grow --- When to harvest?

    Looking great ...nice work mate.....+rep....well done...:)

    Into wk 6 veg !!! big bud n train wreck how's mi green fingers doing...?

    same here mate its about yield for me too and the fastest way to get them oz's rolling in ...I turn green and end up getting my hair and eye brow's trimmed off when i get stoned lol....some great mates ive got hey!!!!! the old pink floyd to chill too when i'm on the old dubby doo...

    noobs second harvest. BUD PORN BITCHES

    LOL!!! Second grow i mean sorry its the noob in me....:)

    Into wk 6 veg !!! big bud n train wreck how's mi green fingers doing...?

    Hey!!! Thats great news mate...Well done that's a nice harvest for your first grow ...Things can only get better mate with the love and work you put into them girlies I'm sure your next shall be has good....:clap:

    noobs second harvest. BUD PORN BITCHES

    Hey!!! Great work mate...Some lovely fat cola's...And your first grow...well done to you sir....+rep....:clap:
  10. DON DAPA

    Into wk 6 veg !!! big bud n train wreck how's mi green fingers doing...?

    I need to dish some rep out has i still can't send you any and i owe you some for your last post's....Ive been topping one of the big buds for when i put it in the aqua farm so once its in and ready to go size wise for flower i shall post a picture...
  11. DON DAPA

    Into wk 6 veg !!! big bud n train wreck how's mi green fingers doing...?

    Hey thanks a lot mate ...They look loads better in the dark i must say....Thanks for the great comment....Have your girls finished yet? If not they must be real close now?....
  12. DON DAPA

    Into wk 6 veg !!! big bud n train wreck how's mi green fingers doing...?

    Thought i best update the thread with some night time shot's of the little girlies ...I'm just half way into week 5 so let me know how you's think these are looking for this stage ...This is my first grow and I'm real happy how things have gone so far... Sorry pictures aint super clear but its...
  13. DON DAPA

    my 1st try coming along Good i think (?)

    Looking good mate....good luck with the grow...:weed:
  14. DON DAPA

    First grow, didn't do any fimming/LST/topping. Will I still see a decent yield?

    Ive seen plenty of vids on u-tube were the plants not been topped fimmed lst'ed and they got a descent yield....Obviously not has much had they done a little training here and there but still all good mate...I topped 3 train wreck the day i put them over into flower and there fine no problems...
  15. DON DAPA

    what effect does high temps have on flowering plant?

    Have you tried filling some bottles of water and freezing them ? You can place them in front of your fan and it will help cool the air ...Not by much but suppose its a shot in the right direction ... Ive done that little trick loads of times....good luck mate with the grow...:weed: