Doc Moonbud

My name is Doc Moonbud, and I love Cannabis. I do not call Cannabis "marijuana," because it is a propagandized name that stems from the era of Reefer Madness; which was induced by corporate greed, racism, and religious zeal. I pay the plant proper respect, and call it by it's botanical name "Cannabis."

I use Cannabis mostly for severe chronic-pain, and health problems. I am a fan of using Sativa during the day to function, and Indica at night, so I can sleep. I also use Cannabis in a recreational capacity for social reasons, and to enhance my creativity.

Cannabis has done nothing but helped me, and has never harmed me one time, since I started using it in 1995. I have never seen it harm anyone EVER.

I have smoked many strains of Cannabis, and I am not partial to one strain like some are. I do not consider myself a pot-snob, and I will smoke even the most mongrel-imbred Cannabis as long as it is not loaded with seeds.

For the most-part (excuse the idiom), I am very laid-back, tender, compassionate, and charitable. Most have described me as "complex, genius, and a super-computer." My ego is mostly subdued, and I do not think of myself as a "genius" or a "super-computer."

My aspirations are to become as lazy as I possibly can in a productive manner, live a holistic and organic lifestyle, and help a few people on this journey I call life. I do not have an aspiration to feed the System, stay tied to a desk, nor support genocidal psychopaths with tax-money.
Roanoke & Blacksburg






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    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
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    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.