Recent content by dirtyglove

  1. dirtyglove

    How To Build A Pc Grow Box

    hell ya :))
  2. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    update** well the good news? used a drill to get holes big enough to fit a sawjaw for my buddy to cut the holes as best we could.. bad news? when we tried to cut everything but the face of the drawers it went to shit so now i have no drawers so was wondering if i should either abort? or use...
  3. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    Have two 120 mm fans ill have ac filter and fan for light and right below plexi will be gnna make a box to put the filters in and put the fans to the boxes to force air thru the filers out the cab will def show whats up nxt week. I hope to have box made by tomarrow. And the diy a/c...
  4. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    UPDATES!!!*** the back i think is straight forward pretty much.. i didnt realize how big i made the exhaust drawing the intake of course will be bigger i just didnt wanna draw it huge as well...
  5. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    appreciate the updated grow change fam :))
  6. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    scrolled thru and seen the glass, is that string holding it up lol? yeah i understand now was a little worried but i think ill put wood on only 3 sides because if i put it on the front it will interfere with me tending to my plants. definitely siiick idea! got alot of preparations to make next...
  7. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    somehow didnt see this post till now will look now
  8. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    for someone reason i cant find ur glass in ur dwc grow..
  9. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    do i have to use would at all? cant i just silicone weather stripping in a square frame around the cab then silicone the plexi glass on top?
  10. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    or instead of woood, silicone weather stripping as close to the area below my light then silicone the plexi to the weather stripping?
  11. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    im literally looking into my refrigerator at the plexiglass panes lol.. so basically... when it comes to making the sealed area..i can take the dimensions of my cab and get plexiglass about as big if not a little bigger for wiggle room then im attaching that plexiglass to wood frame that is...
  12. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    im quitting life lol.. you got a picture? lmfaooooo
  13. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    how would u go about sealing the top with solicone and glass? u got a pic or some basic steps on that? thanks for the reply boss!
  14. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    I agree i was jus thinking how expensive doing autos all the time would be im thinking of jus order them in bulk.. maybe order some fem and some regs 2 at a time and hope i get a male..wit fans bloeing in their its sure to seed yes?
  15. dirtyglove

    1st PC grow - help

    i really do appreciate the response! odor isnt an issue, my house smells like shit already lol.. i will def be putting up mylar w/some silver/foil tape..i was thinking of making a cheap carbon filter i saw outta a/c pencil cup and some nylon on grasscity..and as for lgiht traps i have no idea...