Recent content by digiti

  1. D

    Fimming -- quick concern

    I know, but I think I might have cut too much off
  2. D

    Dying plants what to do ?

    that's some MAJOR stretching buddy, you need a light to be closer to your plants, the little fella was reachin soooooo far to try n get that light and he didn't quite get there
  3. D

    Fimming -- quick concern

    so what am I to expect if I cut the whole growth off? the same thing that I woulda had if I would have topped it?
  4. D

    Is my baby ready for flowering?????

    man I don't think that's heat, I think you're way to generous on the nutes!
  5. D

    first cuttings -- just put in glass of water?

    plastic wrap covering the cup? also, foliar spray with just water?
  6. D

    first cuttings -- just put in glass of water?

    lol thanks, I can't wait to determine the sex on these girls.. they're all looking very healthy and they all look promising.. I'll hopefully have a camera soon so I can snap some pics, it's a cross of a really bomb bagseed that me and my buddy have been growing for a few years, very potent for...
  7. D

    first cuttings -- just put in glass of water?

    I heard that for my first cuttings, just to determine the sex of my mothers, that I can just take the cutting and put it in a glass of water like you would a flower, put it under 12/12, and it will stay alive just long enough to show sex... does anyone else do this method? it sounds perfect to...
  8. D

    Early force flower to sex, then re-veg... can't stop the buds

    before I'm blasted, I know I'm bumping an old topic, however it's relevant to what I was going to ask, and I can't really find a topic with these exact same replies.. So anywho, in regards to the above replies, Wetdog's in particular, from seed I've never had plants show their sex under 24/0...
  9. D

    Fimming -- quick concern

    I just fimmed 3 of my plants (soon to be mothers), but one I didn't take someone's advice and I missed and cut too low.. However, I didn't cut the growth entirely off so there's still a little mess of stuff goin on in there where I was supposed to cut, so I have confidence that it'll still split...
  10. D

    Fimming With My Blaze: A Complete How to FIM Guide

    Sorry to bump an old topic (well it's not too old, so I'll do it).. I just fimmed 3 of my plants (soon to be mothers), but one I didn't take your advice and I missed and cut too low.. However, I didn't cut it entirely off so there's still a little mess of stuff goin on in there where I was...
  11. D

    450w LED 150 x 3w Grow Light --> How many autoflowering plants in a 4x4x6' tent?

    I'm actually considering buying one of those BlackStar lights as everyone say they are proven, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pay the extra couple hundred bucks and buy the 900W one to start.. Might as well, I could get double or more yield so it's worth the extra couple hundred bucks. I'll start...
  12. D

    450w LED 150 x 3w Grow Light --> How many autoflowering plants in a 4x4x6' tent?

    will do, when I start it out I'll start a thread and see what happens!
  13. D

    450w LED 150 x 3w Grow Light --> How many autoflowering plants in a 4x4x6' tent? This is the light I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy. I am just wondering if anyone has any additional suggestions (other than suggesting to grow...
  14. D

    To you current LED growers (is this light suitable?)

    and on top of that, I have a 400w HPS that I could start new plants once they're half done so I could have a harvest every month.. Pound a month would make me very happy to start with, and I'd just constantly add a light until I have the entire house full