Recent content by Di0nysus

  1. D

    What’s on my leaf?

    I’m thinking it’s thrips. I showed the pic to the OG at the hydro store and he agreed. I got some sticky strips to hang in the tents and some spray for the veg tent. I’ll report back tomorrow and see if I caught any little f..ckers overnight.
  2. D

    What’s on my leaf?

    I looked under with my macro lens 3.5x and see nothing moving. I can see the leaf fur at that magnification. I’ve had spider mites before about 15 years ago and you can see the crawling around with the naked eye plus the webs they start too.
  3. D

    What’s on my leaf?

    Thanks everyone. I’m growing soil so not sure if it’s a root issue. I see the odd fruit fly looking thing but not very often and since my tents are in the garage figured fruit flies escape the compost bin at the other end once in a while. So far this is all minor minor damage.
  4. D

    What’s on my leaf?

    Yeah, checked again 3.5X magnification. Nothing is moving. I don't think it's bugs. I don't filter the water though. And the mist is coming up from under the plants in that vicinity. Only have a 2x4 tent. 2 plants.
  5. D

    What’s on my leaf?

    I looked at it through my macro lens I use to do trichome photography a while back and no bugs that I could see. I'll check again. I can't wipe anything off which leads to believe it's not bugs. But I'll check one more time to be sure. They are in week 5 of flower so spraying isn't an option.
  6. D

    What’s on my leaf?

    Not sure what this? Doesn’t seem to be too big a deal currently but perhaps it will get worse? Seems to be on the older leaves. Is it from my humidifier? It’s one those sonic ones. thanks for any help.
  7. D

    Some advice please start of week 8

    Yeah you mentioned that. Which is why pretty much every manufacturer of fertilizer recommends doing it unless you are using living soil. This debate has gone on for years. I grow for myself and my friends and I’ve filmed little tent grows all the way up to commercial grows. They all flush...
  8. D

    Disaster Strikes

    Fuck ‍
  9. D

    Some advice please start of week 8

    Look for when the calyxes start to bulge. You have about 2 weeks maybe 3 from that point till the harvest window. You also notice the crystals stop glistening like diamonds. When they stop sparkling they are turning milky. When they turn from milky to more amber you are right when you should...
  10. D

    Yield estimate

    I got 6.5 oz off three plants in a 2x4x5 tent and by no means is that amazing plus they did half the flowering outside before I put them in my new tent I got in mid sept. So you should at least double that if not more. Plants were similar in size when flipped and I only had three, more like...
  11. D

    Disaster Strikes

    Apple cider vinegar works great too. You just need to change the acidity so the mildew can’t grow.
  12. D

    Is this normal?? 5th day of flower and the tops are lime green/yellow

    They look ok to me. You might need more light and trying low stress training right after 4 or 5 nodes of growth when they are still kids.
  13. D

    Will I get better yields by cutting some plants?

    I have two plants in the same size room. I wouldn’t do more than two, three tops. Those will double in size. Chuck at least 4 or 5 outside and clone them so you have some ready to flower when your tent batch is done and then those can flower outside. Next time buy feminized seeds so you can...
  14. D

    Any Covid growers out there lose their sense of smell?

    Hey there. I guess I’m one of the lucky covid cases out there with mild symptoms, the worst of which is loss of smell. In fact I noticed the lack of smell the day my plants stopped smelling. I was baffled as to how that happened which led me to get tested and then test positive. Made sense...
  15. D

    What deficiency do i

    I had a crappy yellow one that didn’t last long. This bluelab one seems fine. So if I use ph7 solution and it reads 7 or 6.9 I’m guessing it’s still working totally fine right. I flushed the plant really heavily and gave it half veg nutes and half flower nutes as well as some terpinator...