Recent content by descon0c1do

  1. descon0c1do

    Anyone dealt with Boron deficiency? ( picture + info in the post )

    DWC sterile reservoir - 5th week of flower starts today 21-24°C / 40% RH - These are normally constant temperatures and HR inside the tent. Today morning: pH 6.1 - 1260 ppm / 2.52 EC. - Solution temp: 19.0° lights off - 22.5° lights on I started flowering in pH 5.9 and went slowly up x.1 per...
  2. descon0c1do

    Protein pot experiment - 1st time in hydro

    I know! Right now i have to change the solution twice a week, as when it started flowering the water intake increased a lot and it's been a pain in the ass to keep a decent nutrient concentration, cause it starts to rise when water level goes down, so i have to put a little more water and check...
  3. descon0c1do

    Protein pot experiment - 1st time in hydro

    Hi everyone! How are you?. I wanted to share with you my first experiment with hydroponics, which i'm currently doing. After moving to a new home, i re-set my tent and started vegging with a BSF Super Lemon Haze clone a friend of mine gave to me. The purpose of this grow was to be in contact...
  4. descon0c1do

    Nitrogen deficiency? Nutrient lockout? Help pls!

    UPDATE! Following the idea that the plants might have a nutrient lockout, yesterday I watered 1.1 lts to each pot with pH 6.5 water only. When I measured the runoff EC, it was really high, many around 2.1 and a few going even to 2.3/2.6. So, apparently I had a nutrient lockout going on. I did...
  5. descon0c1do

    Nitrogen deficiency? Nutrient lockout? Help pls!

    well.. phosphoric acid is taken from rocks and "organic fish fertilizer" is made from dead fish, isn't it? one doesn't kill animals, the other one does.
  6. descon0c1do

    Nitrogen deficiency? Nutrient lockout? Help pls!

    The ph 5 irrigation was 250 ml. I've read from many sources that the amount of water of 1/4 of the pot's capacity is for when the plant is bigger, not at this stage. The way I water is pouring small amounts and waiting for the substrate to absorb. Normally I point halfway between the stem and...
  7. descon0c1do

    Nitrogen deficiency? Nutrient lockout? Help pls!

    This pots are designed to make the roots go deep down (more than with normal pots) and generate a strong stem. The windows are made to attract the roots, and once they get there, they create a callus and start throwing new arms in different directions to colonize the whole substrate, instead of...
  8. descon0c1do

    Nitrogen deficiency? Nutrient lockout? Help pls!

    I'm trying to get some CalMag from a local greenhouse. I'll know later in the afternoon.
  9. descon0c1do

    Nitrogen deficiency? Nutrient lockout? Help pls!

    I don't have neither epsom salts nor a wife haha. I'm checking at a local greenhouse if they have CalMag solution. Yes I do! I will try this. I measured the soil pH just now with an analog meter i borrowed and it gave somewhere between 6.5 and 7.
  10. descon0c1do

    Nitrogen deficiency? Nutrient lockout? Help pls!

    Hi again! Yes, it is organic! Black Gold is made with algae Ascophyllum Nodossum and humic acids derived from Leonardite.
  11. descon0c1do

    Nitrogen deficiency? Nutrient lockout? Help pls!

    Hi! Thanks for your answer! Ok! Makes sense, that would require less use of phosphoric acid. Thanks. You mean to not measure the PH and use it as it comes out of the tap? For what I've read from all of he sources I consulted, they strongly advice to measure pH for growing with soil. Thanks...
  12. descon0c1do

    Nitrogen deficiency? Nutrient lockout? Help pls!

    The River Haze is the only one that came in Coco. I gave it 60ml NPK at 2ml/l to feed it for the days it spent on the small pot it came, now it was transplanted to the same soil I'm using for the rest. The other ones had the same soil I use.