Recent content by defectivz

  1. D

    at what age to pollinate a female

    im into my 3rd week of 12/12 there is white hairs everywhere but no bud formation. hav a male to get pollen from and jut want to get A couple branches as hav no other seeds or sources for next go. just wanna know when to put the pollen on. thanks for replys so far!!!!
  2. D

    Aussie Growers Thread

    hey guys, just wondering how safe it is to order seeds online gettin them to vic?? never done this b4 and have no seeds or source to get clones atm. which is preferd company u guys use. sorry cbf goin through the 700 pages to see if this has been discussed. am hangin to get a good strain goin...
  3. D

    at what age to pollinate a female

    hey all at what week of flowering would be best to pollinate the female to produce seeds. cheers
  4. D

    Canna Nutrient!!! IS THE BEST! !!

    holayall, im using a similar system (hand water to waste coco) and am havin trouble workin out a good feeding schedule. how often do u feed and how many litres do u give them each feed? at what ec? do u also mix perlite with your coco? sorry for the hijak.
  5. D

    when to top plants and do these look ok to switch to 12/12

    hey thanks for the reply! the 5 i have left have shown sex and are female out of 14. the rest are male :( and had to get rid of. theres one big one in there ide like to clone and ive taken few cuttins today to see how they go. second attempt at cloning after not so succesful first attemp...
  6. D

    when to top plants and do these look ok to switch to 12/12

    hey all. these are my girls well only 5 left due to males. there at 5 weeks from seed and am wondering what would have been a good time to top them at. am i too late? there about 25cm should i be switching them to flower yet? also need advice on how much to feed them as they look limp and bottom...
  7. D

    Bottom leaves turnin yellow, rusty and spotty

    im not sure how often to feed eeither and how much to giv them each watering for example how many litres of nutes. ive been giving bout 2 litres once a day.
  8. D

    Bottom leaves turnin yellow, rusty and spotty

    heres a general idea of what they look liek
  9. D

    Bottom leaves turnin yellow, rusty and spotty

    hey all in week 5 from seed and bottom leaves starting to either get rusty spots turn yellow and then die. not sure what is the cause heres sum pics of what they look liek. if anyone could guide me to what causes this would be great. im using house and garden coco a and b nutes. in coco mixd...