Recent content by DeeGreezy

  1. DeeGreezy

    Clawing/Browning Leaves

    This is the problem. I guess I grabbed the wrong bag, just checked and the bag of soil I used had slow release nitrogen already in it. thanks
  2. DeeGreezy

    Clawing/Browning Leaves

    N tox is what a friend at work thought too. Given that i just top dressed recently with 75% seabird guano 0-11-0 and 25% gaia green bloom 2-8-4, I should be fine from the N tox after a few waterings?
  3. DeeGreezy

    Clawing/Browning Leaves

    I currently have 3 plants, all the same strain. I am using a living soil blend which was recently top dressed. The plant in the 3 pictures below started showing signs first and is further along than the other two plants. The other two are just now starting to claw on the bottom leaves. The first...
  4. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    Sorry about not posting lately, but I've had a lot to do. I had to move the plants and the lighting. They're now under a 150w HPS with some CFLs but I plan on adding more CFLs when I start to flower.
  5. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    In preparation for flowering on Friday, I've tied the two big ones down and supercropped where I couldn't tie down. I'm curious as to what the little one will do when flipped and how much it will produce if it's a female hahah not expecting much from it
  6. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    UPDATE DAY 28: the little fella that was burned is making a comeback! Haha nowhere near as strong and healthy as the others but still it's good to see improvement. Did a little bit of LSTing on the bottom left one (I topped naturally growing one) because I noticed the undergrowth just wasn't...
  7. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    Thanks man! Will do
  8. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    Thanks! Yeah I was planning on tying them down once the two new tops grow out a little more. It's like I've done my research and I'm confident about what I'm doing and want to do its just nice to have confirmation. I guess because my previous grow didn't go as planned I'm more.. Not paranoid...
  9. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    Hey y'all just have a quick question about when I flower. I'm limited on space and will be tying them down soon before I flip the lights, hopefully in the next week or so. I was just wondering if there were any tips to reduce stretching? I've read that having a mixed light spectrum helps keep em...
  10. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    No I have t gotten the chance, I've been at school and football but I will read it as soon as I get the chance!
  11. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    If you look through all the pictures I posted you'll see one of them is a picture of the plant after plucking the burned leaves off. I checked on it today and she looks healthy and promising.. Just a tad but ugly at this point hahah
  12. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    I've really been thinking hard because it's bothering me that I've treated them all the same but just this one is acting up! So far I'm sold that it's a slight nute burn from the FFOF because it did occur after I watered so maybe I just didn't soak it well enough the first time when I...
  13. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    Temps stay around 75-80 I let them dry out completely before watering, usually every 3 days. i don't think it's anything like that because the other three plants are doing fine under the same conditions.
  14. DeeGreezy

    200w CFL Organic Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    UPDATE 3 WEEKS: undergrowth has started to come in nicely on the three that were topped although I had some problems with some kind of burn on one of them. The only thing I can guess is its a strain that doesn't like much feeding at all. I'm not using any nutes, just ph'd water in FFOF soil...
  15. DeeGreezy

    Rubbermaid grow box with height adjustable PVC CFL light fixture

    Hey I know you didn't make this fixture but do you have any idea as to how you would supply electricity to all the bulbs?