Recent content by darkbud

  1. D

    Russet mites?

    Bag seed. Growing on carolina soil plus bones powder and alfafa meal. Biobizz fertilizer. Plant getting worse everyday. Is it russet mites?
  2. D

    Brownish leaves in two days

    I think I found out what it is. I was using a very old bokashi I had. Very old. I put in an other plant and the same happened. Same way, same symtoms. I think the ph is too acid. Thank you everybody.
  3. D

    Brownish leaves in two days

    I flushed and it stopped getting worse. Think I will have sweet little nugs.
  4. D

    Brownish leaves in two days

    watering every other day. the plant is in a 5 liters pot.
  5. D

    Brownish leaves in two days was surprising
  6. D

    Brownish leaves in two days

    What is ec?
  7. D

    Brownish leaves in two days

    Fertilizing with a mix of bokashi and seaweed. Indoor. I am in south america so it is humid. And around 25 celcius during the day and 18 celcius during the night. No fan or wind on it. The other one is ok. But different strain. My camera is broken, sorry.
  8. D

    Brownish leaves in two days

    Fan leaves are looking luke this. All happened in two days. Any ideas? Thank you
  9. D

    Leaves bending down?

    Got better with less water. Thank u all.
  10. D

    Leaves bending down?

    27 celsius 75% humidity 30.000 lux
  11. D

    Leaves bending down?

    Here are two different strains. Their leaves look way different although they grow in the same conditions. Are those leaves ok? Or the big one is bending down? Thank you!
  12. D

    Burn tips and yellowing but not lightburn

    Because it is well far from the lights I know it is not light burn. I have been feeding guano bat tea to it, together with seaweed and bokashi.
  13. D

    6th week of flowering

  14. D

    6th week of flowering
