Recent content by dankasaurusrex

  1. dankasaurusrex

    quick question about lightng...

    I have grown 18/6 and 24 straight. Both work fine. In your situation, I'd recommend you keep them on 24/7 because the difference in power consumption is really pretty minimal. I know it's a significant debate on these forums (18/6 vs. 24/7) but the way I look at it, the leaves are the energy...
  2. dankasaurusrex

    First post

    Welcome my friend. From one east bay brother to another :)
  3. dankasaurusrex

    Increasing Nutes and Ph

    Yes. PH up. Not sure when you're taking your PH readings. But I've seen it change in the first hour after mixing my nutes. So I generally wait an hour before adding to my reservoir. This is a hydro/DWC setup. You didn't mention your medium/method but regardless of that, 5.0 or lower is not...
  4. dankasaurusrex

    so many white widows..

    yeah, my limited understanding of it is that there were a bunch of guys in Amsterdam that grew and swapped genetics and maybe even worked at some of the original seed shops (Sensi Seeds, Super Sativa Seed Club, etc...). When they all broke into various new seed companies, one of them snagged...
  5. dankasaurusrex

    so many white widows..

    Black Widow from Mr. Nice. From what I understand it's the original.
  6. dankasaurusrex

    Anyone grow Greenhouse seeds?

    You can get them through attitude seeds. I only have one experience to draw from and that is with Super Lemon Haze (SLH). First the good: Attitude seeds has been very good for me. The package arrived in good condition and within 10 days. All five of the feminized seeds I purchased...
  7. dankasaurusrex

    was wondering if this makes a diference

    I'd say go with all 10 then :)
  8. dankasaurusrex

    was wondering if this makes a diference

    depends on how long you want to veg them. If you keep them small, then you can fit 10 under one 600. If you're looking at 3-5 footers I'd suggest only having 4 with 6 being the absolute most. Hope this helps.
  9. dankasaurusrex

    Upgrading my set up, what to buy first.

    Not sure where you are at. But here in NorCal, there are an abundance of people who think they can get rich quick and that growing is easy. After buying a bunch of gear they find out a) it's not that easy and b) there isn't always a lot of money to be had by growing. So they end up selling it...
  10. dankasaurusrex

    Excellent way to reduce noise!! So one of my other hobbies is restoring old cars. When you put a booming stereo in them, everything rattles and vibrates like crazy. The solution to this is an extremely expensive...
  11. dankasaurusrex

    Nirvanas Blackjack & Papaya Dwc Grow Rep++to All

    So far so good. Love the stealth cabinet! Good luck!
  12. dankasaurusrex

    Ventilation question

    What fans specifically are you using? Due to the distance you are moving air, I would get a sizable 6" inline fan like an elicit, fan tech, or vortex. It's not really a matter of cfms. But one of static pressure or in other hard the fans blows. These fans are around $200 but...
  13. dankasaurusrex

    Left the light on

    you should be fine. Just proceed with caution and try not to make the same mistake twice. Hope this helps!
  14. dankasaurusrex

    Droopy ass leaves, and short and stalky as hell. 6th week veg. Please help!

    Don't stress bud. You'll get it. The good news is I don't think you've got a serious issue on your hands. Looks like you're just not letting them get dry enough before watering again. I'd try adding another day in between waterings and see if that helps. Good luck! Be sure to post pics...
  15. dankasaurusrex

    how much could i expect to yield growing outdoors.

    absolutely. If you start the plants indoors and get them to be a good size, then move them outside they will be monsters! Especially if you're growing a sativa dominant strain. Good luck!