Recent content by daniel watson

  1. daniel watson

    medical maryjane Questions.

    ok look my mother inlaw has a medical condition and im tryin to get her to stop talking all the pills they are givin her and start blowing treez. but i want medical views to prove to her that weed isnt all that bad if you using it the right way... where should i begin???? wut do i say ???? i...
  2. daniel watson

    400 watt hps or CFL'S

    its mid 2 42 watt cflz should be good with that?
  3. daniel watson

    Need help .

  4. daniel watson

    400 watt hps or CFL'S

    well i have 8 but im keeping 1 seperate from the rest cause of lack of space so i need to get a new many watts u think?4 just the 1
  5. daniel watson

    400 watt hps or CFL'S

    wut is the best light to use if only growing one plant?how many wattz ,lumens ect.
  6. daniel watson


    where can i get a c.f.l. light bulb ...are they just the lights that spiral or do they say the are compact florescent lights?
  7. daniel watson

    Feminized seeds

    just put ur seed in the cup of room temp water and ull b good...
  8. daniel watson

    Feminized seeds

    your better off just growing a seed when its good enough to clone do so and root the clone when the clone develops the roots put it on the 12/12 system and see what it becomes if u get a male the other plant u cloned of of iz no good throw it out...ur better of doing this with numerous plants...
  9. daniel watson

    drooping and curling leaves... what can i do ...

    its an outdoor plant getting alot of sun was fine this morning when i checked it out and i look bout 30min ago its all fucked up looking...i dont think i over fed it.i only give it a bottle of water when i feed.i give it the fish every 2 days....thats bout it..
  10. daniel watson

    drooping and curling leaves... what can i do ...

    take a look at my avatar..see how the top leaves are curling down.ita an outdoor plant ...the only thing i give it is water and fish emulsion...the sun iz my light i dont have a way too check the ph levels now...but can do l8er..its not that young its about 4.5 weeks old and it grows really...
  11. daniel watson

    drooping and curling leaves... what can i do ...

    i just looked at my plant and its got the top leaves curling 1 bottom leaf drooping and starting to yellow what do i do????
  12. daniel watson

    light question

    i have heard u can during veg..but when come time to flower u switch to the usual.but i have yet to get conformation..i wouldnt do it though i would stick with 18/6 if anything...
  13. daniel watson

    hydroponic system ?

    ok check this out i have 5 germinating seed as we speak i have a plant in the early stages of its life about 2 or 3 weekz long...BUT this isnt the batch i want to use the system on i want to buy all new seeds and have the system up and running by then...i have very limited space..i want to know...
  14. daniel watson


    well the 1st time i germinated in a wet paper it took 4 ever so i went with the cup of water this time good choice or not?
  15. daniel watson

    hydroponic system ?

    yeah i really want to build my own ..BUT i want to have some killer shit so if the one i can build will work better then the one i buy ill build 1...