Recent content by Dakyne

  1. Dakyne

    Max time DWC Bucket System be switched off

    Aaah thx FrozenChozen. Yeah i hate airstones and airpumps, just makes noise, generates heat... its a waste in my opinion.
  2. Dakyne

    Max time DWC Bucket System be switched off

    Hi, thx that is a gr8 idea, unfortuantely i already have my system built. Used the equipment i had lying around. I use a 5283 gal/hour pump, so no need for airstones, it is like a seastorm in my res!! haha. And i dont think you can get an external controller to control the speed... i will go...
  3. Dakyne

    Max time DWC Bucket System be switched off

    Good day friends, What is the max amount of time you can have your circulation pumps switched off in a DWC bucket system, with 1 plant in each bucket, 10gal buckets. Assume you have max airation when pumps are switched off. EDIT: During the night cycle, lights switched off. Thx
  4. Dakyne


    Hello, Im sure some of you have heard about bio-buckets by now? Basically it is RDWC with Lava Rock as a growing medium, as the Lava Rock provides space for the beneficial micro organisms to grow. Now i can`t find big enough net pots to use (They suggest 8 inch, we only get 2 inch). Im toying...
  5. Dakyne

    Basic Grow Room Automation

    In this first thread I will explain some very easy and basic ways of converting your grow room from manual to semi-auto, at a very low cost. No need to purchase expesive data loggers or grow room controllers. Once discussions are closed a proper thread will be opened with adjusted information. I...
  6. Dakyne

    How Many Seeds To Order???

    Thank you all, it has now become more clear to me as to how to go about this.
  7. Dakyne

    How Many Seeds To Order???

    This makes completely sence and answers my question. I appreciate the post and insight.
  8. Dakyne

    How Many Seeds To Order???

    Interesting.. But would that not yield F2 seeds then? If so can someone explain to me then how big a difference is there between F1 and F2? If i understand what i have read correctly, you will just receive bigger variations of the orginal parents with F2? So what does that then mean? I can go...
  9. Dakyne

    How Many Seeds To Order???

    And what do you then compare them to? Themselves?
  10. Dakyne

    How Many Seeds To Order???

    Hello and welcome to the thread. Can some of the more experienced breeders maybe give me info as to how many F1 seeds a person needs to purchase to get that "Special" keeper. And what defines a "Special" keeper? Is it the plant the most closely resembles the original parent? Or is it personal...
  11. Dakyne

    Can I Take Clones Yet?

    Yeah it looks ready. Start by taking 1 or 2 clones and see how that affects your mother. After you have rooted some clones you can feel free to experiment with the mother since you have copies. Good luck
  12. Dakyne

    Do You Stare at Your Plants?

    Yip, Stare at them, toutch them, love them... As often as possible :-] So which one of you sick fucks masterbate while watching their plants!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHHAAHH jokes
  13. Dakyne

    Blacking Out

    Hello everyone, I have come across something that happens to a lot of marijuana users, espescially when smoking bong. Im not sure if this relates 100% to a black-out. Some poeple when taking a big hit, or are not use to smoking bong, they actually swallow the smoke down into their stomach [ You...
  14. Dakyne

    Dakyne`s Grow

    All shutdown.... :-[[[ R.I.P