Recent content by dajosh42069

  1. dajosh42069

    booby-trapping rippers

    Interesting question/concept. I'm about 99.9% certain that the answer is no. With it being federally outlawed, no insurance company or policy is going to want to pay out if they don't HAVE to. Although, it might be a fascinating idea for a business. Insuring legal and licensed grow-ops and...
  2. dajosh42069

    Cannibas Newbie...

    Anyway, now that I've blocked that kid so I don't have to listen to his immature whining, I'll be happy to help you in any way I can. Feel free to PM me or reply if there's any further questions. Which actually brings me to my next point. Ask 5 different growers a question, and you'll get 6...
  3. dajosh42069

    Cannibas Newbie...

    Ok kiddo. Let your mommy know that someone was mean to you on the internet, and she'll explain to you that you'll get over it. In the meantime, I'm actually trying to be of some help to OP. So unless you have something of value to say, then I don't have anything further to discuss with you. Thanks.
  4. dajosh42069

    Cannibas Newbie...

    I think you have a typo there.. 15 years? Yeah, not buying that for a second. 15 days MAYBE. And if you're not fond of this site, then why are you on it? Go to your "better" site and post your opinions there. But your attitude just shows me that you're a bitter child desperate for validation...
  5. dajosh42069

    Cannibas Newbie...

    I would actually like to clarify my position here.. there is nothing wrong with asking for help and/or advice when you really need it. I'm not suggesting that you never request assistance... I'm simply suggesting that you do as much reading, and familiarizing with the art of cannabis cultivation...
  6. dajosh42069

    Cannibas Newbie...

    LMAO! > Is signed up as a member to a cannabis cultivation website and forum > Has been active enough on it to be given the forum title of "Well Known Member" > Dispenses advice that includes the suggestion of going to a DIFFERENT cultivation website, rather than utilizing the very site he is...
  7. dajosh42069

    Cannibas Newbie...

    OK, from the beginning... 1. You're growing those 3 strains...but, from where did you get the seeds? 2. They look a little small for 5 weeks, are you sure you're giving them enough light? 3. Sexing can ONLY be done after about a week or more into flower. As was just mentioned, there are a lot...
  8. dajosh42069

    I picked up two new clones today.

    You don't really need light to pop seeds. In fact, my understanding was that light isn't particularly good for germing seeds. Which isn't to say that they won't sprout or grow. They likely will, but it just doesn't help. Otherwise, beautiful clones! I'm actually jealous, haha. I'm in the...
  9. dajosh42069

    Want Legalization? Vote Donald Trump!

    Yup. Reinstitution of mandatory minimum sentences, and the rescinding of any progress made by the Obama administration with regards to relaxing the laws inhibiting many of us who frequent this site... Not that I want to have a political discussion.
  10. dajosh42069

    Is anyone else "obsessed" with growing?

    When I first started growing, I was absolutely obsessed with it. I'd spend every single day on this site absorbing everything I could, and helping others the best I could.. It was actually pretty unhealthy!! It became my everything. I would check on my babies several times an hour. I'd awaken in...
  11. dajosh42069

    Will this light help at all?

    Just as many have already stated.. it likely won't HURT... but it almost certainly won't help. I wouldn't waste the time, or electricity on something like that. Hell, even a desk lamp with a nice sized, proper temperature CFL would be a helluva lot more effective then that weird rope light thing....
  12. dajosh42069

    Anyway, good to see that everyone hasn't disappeared from this site while I was away. Good...

    Anyway, good to see that everyone hasn't disappeared from this site while I was away. Good growing to you my friend. :D
  13. dajosh42069

    Oh, no shit, you're still kickin around here in RIU eh? Good deal! I've been away for a looooong...

    Oh, no shit, you're still kickin around here in RIU eh? Good deal! I've been away for a looooong time, but, starting a new grow with a friend, and decided to stop by my old stomping grounds. ;) Glad to see that you're still doing well, still growing. :D My state just recently legalized rec use...
  14. dajosh42069

    Attic vs. Basement

    Also, with regards to your picture... Are you sure those are Kush? Kush is primarily an indica, or indica leaning hybrid strain.. and those gals look like they have a lot of Sativa in them.. their size, and leaves look it at least..
  15. dajosh42069

    Attic vs. Basement

    Without more info, it's hard to say exactly what will be your best option. But I think it's already been said.. take whatever money you WERE planning ob spending to remodel the attic, and spend it getting a proper A/C, and dehumidifier for the basement. It's seclusion from the rest of the house...