Recent content by Dadankstank

  1. D

    Aerogarden club

    i flowered at 3 nodes and my plants seems to be reaching its full height at about 3 feet its pretty dense considering the size of the ag
  2. D

    aerogarden success

    so again thanks to the wonderfulness ness of rollitup and its many wonderful members i began my journey with the ag that was in october now 13 weeks from a seed in pod i have come to the conclusion? im in love with another woman (in case my wife reads this) weeks in petco saved many issues for...
  3. D

    Aerogarden club

    so call me crazy but what i did is i added miracle grow to my spring water every time i add water they get miracle grow i also use the ag nutes usually about a half tab or a lil less every time i add i usually wait until im half empty i am at 12 weeks from seed and my buds are about 3 inches...
  4. D

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    got a ph meter that was the problem ph was 7 on bottled spring water its been 2 weeks now and they are back to normal they are a foot tall and look fantastic now tell me this should i be topping the side branches like the top or just let them go i am clipping these babies back like crazy in...
  5. D

    The AeroGarden Forum

    using aero nutes and a slight miracle grow mixture
  6. D

    The AeroGarden Forum

    i'm hearing some mixed things about fox farm nutes tech i need some advanced help im going into flower mode in the morning so far i'm having excellent results at 4 nodes
  7. D

    The AeroGarden Forum

    also i picked up a airstone air pump and ph test kit with up and down for a total of 24 bucks at petco
  8. D

    The AeroGarden Forum

    so i called aero and told them my pump was making a funny noise and they sent me a new pump and a new grow kit for free
  9. D

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    leaves curling up and what looks like nute burn but i didnt put nutes in when i flushed the tank and added fresh spring water got any ideas.. sorry no cam at this point
  10. D

    aerogarden newbie,need some help

    when you change water and clean the ag be sure to clean the sponge filter on the pump
  11. D

    All that love their aerogarden please say...

    working good for me just cut back on the nutes i use a half to a quarter of the norm
  12. D

    aerogarden thanks

    anything is worth a try
  13. D

    AeroGarden Questions/Modifications?

    nice job looks good
  14. D

    The AeroGarden Forum

    is miracle grow just a soil nute or what
  15. D

    Aerogarden club

    nice that would be good if it gives it 12 hours