Recent content by czogbe

  1. czogbe

    New Grow

    Well folks, here's the harvest. I had to force harvest after only 14 weeks of growing because I gotta give up the growroom. But, nonetheless a good harvest was had. Not cured yet so I don't how much weight it is. On a down note, not that there is much of one, but since the seeds were from a...
  2. czogbe

    New Grow

    Sorry for the delay bro. Look at those nice speartips.
  3. czogbe

    New Grow

    Good info bro. Thanks. I need to know because I'm harvesting and then taking off for 5 days. I could harvest a week earlier and then watch them while I'm here but they really could use the extra week of growing. Thanks again.
  4. czogbe

    New Grow

    Thanks for the props bro. Hey, what did you do after you cut them down? You hung them upside down inthe dark? For how long?
  5. czogbe

    New Grow

    Here's my latest folks. wk 5 of flowering, 9th week of growing.
  6. czogbe

    New Grow

    I just deleted a bunch. send away
  7. czogbe

    New Grow

    Thanks man!
  8. czogbe

    New Grow

    Alright people, here's the latest pic of my grow. It's startinig to look pretty good. Not much to see here because I had to bend them under the ropes, but trust me they're there. Ahh yes, I can smell the burning now! Later
  9. czogbe

    New Grow

    Amen to that brother!
  10. czogbe

    New Grow

    I uploaded them into an album. Finally got around to it. Did you every think you'd get to where you are now when you started? I surely didn't. I kept thinking I'd fuck up somewhere and lose my entire crop. There was one week when I was freaking about nute burn and some dude, Antman,who...
  11. czogbe

    New Grow

    page 413. I felt stoned for a second.
  12. czogbe

    New Grow

    I'm sorry man. I posted them on Rosey's thread. Hold on I'll find them for you.
  13. czogbe

    New Grow

    Thanks bro, but I don't think anyone would listen to my broke ass regarding anything to do with energy! LOL I finally broke down and rearranged the closet to utilize more space. It looks a lot better now. I'll post some more pics soon.
  14. czogbe

    New Grow

    Yeah, I didn't dare clip them now. It just felt wrong. The net thingamajig was a spur of the moment idea, which really works. I think I may just make more use of the closet space that I have now. I'll move the tub over a few feet and see what happens.
  15. czogbe

    New Grow

    Here is my latest contraption. I had to improvise. Plants were getting too tall and running close to the light, so I had to bend them into the lattice work, sorta anyway. I noticed I had a bunch of shims left over laying around in the garage and so I screwed a bunch of them together and stuck...