Recent content by cwoodpmp

  1. cwoodpmp

    I got Fucked!!!

    So a good buddy of mine told me he could get me some really good Liquid.. He is a good guy so I got pretty excited! I went ahead and got 20 hits since I wanted some to save for later. I decided to run a test yesterday and as soon as i tasted it I new I was fucked. It was super bitter ( even tho...
  2. cwoodpmp

    Harvest Pics

    Looking great!!!!
  3. cwoodpmp

    Grow room plan

    Thanks for all the help guys.. Im def going to forget about the CO2 for now at least. I think im going to go with clones as I feel pretty good about my source for them... It seems like there are alot of shops around W/ clones being offered as well...
  4. cwoodpmp

    Washed WOW LSD tabs

    Ya I have some more so im not to worried.. May as well give em a shot tho!!!
  5. cwoodpmp

    Grow room plan

    I was kind of looking at picking up teens or clones to save time... How much longer would it take to grow from seed??
  6. cwoodpmp

    Grow room plan

    Hey guys here is the plan for my grow room.. It would be Great to get some feed back from you! First off I will be growing for myself and my GF. We both have our cards so 5oz is our legal limit. We both work 40+ a week so we dont have time to grow the full 24 plants and besides being rookies i...
  7. cwoodpmp

    Washed WOW LSD tabs

    So I had two tabs of some pretty good WOW.. Long story short I got high and washed them :shock:... They were in tinfoil wrapped tight but Im just wondering if I should toss em or if they will still work??
  8. cwoodpmp

    I need a good book to go pick up

    The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge Its a great book and the author has a bunch in the series.. I am on the 6th book and it has me hooked!!
  9. cwoodpmp

    have u tripped Avatar blotter B4???

    Nope.. Word is that it is strong around 150mgs but that it is not the cleanest out there...
  10. cwoodpmp

    Another Cargiver question..

    Ya the only problem is I dont no how to go about getting a new one...
  11. cwoodpmp

    Another Cargiver question..

    @plant magic - I see exactly what your saying about your patients selling some thing that is not really for "re-sale". Its just hard for me to have confidence in this guy when its just like im buying it from a street level drug dealer. I buy the same amount each week along with some edibles.. I...
  12. cwoodpmp

    What would you pick?

    I guess since ive never had a pill with that much mdma it kinda makes me lean toward the pressed pill...
  13. cwoodpmp

    What would you pick?

    I have the ability to get pressed pills from Holland that are supposed to be between 160-180mgs mdma I think there called "powerbuttons" on PR. I can also get some really good molly... what would you choose the high mg pressed pills or the molly?
  14. cwoodpmp

    Another Cargiver question..

    So I have been reading alot on this site about caregivers and what they should/should not be doing. While looing I saw a caregiver that offered exelent prices as well as free shake for edibles. I am just wondering if there are alot of good caretakers out there like that or are most of the...
  15. cwoodpmp

    Hey bro I am still having problems with my caretaker... He is good sometimes and then he will go...

    Hey bro I am still having problems with my caretaker... He is good sometimes and then he will go a few days at a time with out taking my phone calls or calling me back. Is there any way you could help me in finding some one that will really take care of me like a "caregiver" should??