Recent content by CuzzoRo

  1. CuzzoRo

    to trim or not to trim that is the question

    thanks…that’s exactly what i did too and hopefully they will continue to exceed my expectations
  2. CuzzoRo

    to trim or not to trim that is the question

    that’s funny cuzz thats exactly when i topped it too…i kinda wish i had waited until the fifth…that LSD surprised me with how quickly it got that high…but im very happy with where it came from… Thanks
  3. CuzzoRo

    to trim or not to trim that is the question

    preciate the info….that’s exactly what ima do with the lil one…
  4. CuzzoRo

    to trim or not to trim that is the question

    ‍♂1st time grower here and i’m kinda stuck on if i should trim while going into flower or if i should even do it at all….if i do how much when where etc etc etc but if i don’t am i hindering the plant from doing its thing…im one of those analytical types so i tend to overthink things a lot…i see...