Recent content by crypt0n1c

  1. crypt0n1c

    Apartment Wiring

    Two 1000W HPS in a apartment? Your joking right? Even if it was wired up 100% safe and proper it's STILL a bad idea. Think about this: - The smell. - The heat. - What if landlord wants to come in for a inspection or if maintenance needs access? - Abnormal electric bill. Everyone in your...
  2. crypt0n1c

    T5/High Output/4 Grow/4 Flower bulbs!

    Yeah its probably best to go all cool color for veg and all warm color for flowering. I only have 4 warm bulbs for my fixture rightnow because thats all the hydro shop had on hand so I have them mixed for now, but plan to buy 4 more warm color so I have full set of each color. Another thing to...
  3. crypt0n1c

    T5/High Output/4 Grow/4 Flower bulbs!

    Im using a t5 fixture with 8x 4' 54W HO bulbs, 4 3000k and 4 6500k for flowering. I had all 6500k for veg but you can mix them however you want. Mixing them gives a full spectrum effect. For veg I would use all 6500k then for flowering swap out 4 for 3000k. You could even go with all 3000k for...
  4. crypt0n1c

    1st Grow, 8x 4' t5 fluorescent's. Four plants two WW/NL & two Cali Skunk/Thai Stick.

    I just picked up 4 3000k 54w HO T5 bulbs today from a diff hydro shop that stocks them. Im going to go with 4 warm color in center and 2 cool color on both sides.
  5. crypt0n1c

    1st Grow, 8x 4' t5 fluorescent's. Four plants two WW/NL & two Cali Skunk/Thai Stick.

    Yeah I plan on getting 4 of the 3000k bulbs to swap out for flowering. I just havent made my way to hydro shop yet to have them order them for me.
  6. crypt0n1c

    your fav way to smoke ur stash

    I like to roll it up in a unbleached thin rice paper. Raw are my favorite brand or elements. Glass bongs is nice too.
  7. crypt0n1c

    1st Grow, 8x 4' t5 fluorescent's. Four plants two WW/NL & two Cali Skunk/Thai Stick.

    I got it for 250.00 with the bulbs thrown in. Not to sure if its single phosphor or multi but I know they are high output Hydrofarm brand bulbs designed for growing. I would assume Hydrofarm probably has phillips or someone else make the bulbs for them but Im not sure.
  8. crypt0n1c

    1st Grow, 8x 4' t5 fluorescent's. Four plants two WW/NL & two Cali Skunk/Thai Stick.

    Not yet. The blubs I have are hydrofarm high output 54w 6500k t5's. The store I got fixture from threw them in with it for free. He said for the warmer color (3000k) he would have to order them for me @ 16.00 each. Im probably going to order some Agromax warm color ones for 10.00 each from HTC...
  9. crypt0n1c

    1st Grow, 8x 4' t5 fluorescent's. Four plants two WW/NL & two Cali Skunk/Thai Stick.

    This is my first grow. I dident take picture's of full grow progress but today I took some pictures of them for first time. I'm about one week into flowering. I have two "crystal plants" its a cross strain of white widow and northern lights. Two cross strain of Thai Stick and California Skunk...