Recent content by cruza21

  1. C

    How's it looking

    Thanks I was thinking the same m8 thanks
  2. C

    How's it looking

    Here it is
  3. C

    How's it looking

    Hey guys I think she's gone to male what do u guys think?
  4. C

    How's it looking

    All good I will do soon and thanks again
  5. C

    How's it looking

    Hi guys she's looking way better thanks for ur help thanks
  6. C

    How's it looking

    Swt thanks I'll try it yup just using plan water and I'I've got some stuff call root blast it's for fast root grow
  7. C

    How's it looking

    Sometimes I do but I try to do it when light is off
  8. C

    How's it looking

    I also spray her with water all over the leaves
  9. C

    How's it looking

    Think shes 5 weeks old don't have much room to grow its in a wardrobe got a 600w ligth think it could be to big for it if i put a fan in there the leaves dry up so I took the fan out
  10. C

    How's it looking

    Hi all I'm new to all this how do you guys think she is looking keen on some feed back plz thanks
  11. C

    Is it time yet?

    hi guys i think im rootbrond can i repot it or sould i just let her go for it could u plz help
  12. C

    Is it time yet?

    thanks m8 ill give it a try going c what its like in 3 weeks then i may start flushing it but think i should start flushing in mouth but will c what happens
  13. C

    Is it time yet?

    thanks i dont know what strain it is but looks good heheheheh
  14. C

    Is it time yet?

    hey guys heres some new pics is it time to strat flushy and how long do u think i have
  15. C

    Is it time yet?

    thanks ill get more soon