Recent content by crankdoctor

  1. C

    So i order my geekbeast pro IR & UV how to use

    I’m always late to the party but I always make it! Still relevant.
  2. C

    So i order my geekbeast pro IR & UV how to use

    Why order a light that don’t work is the question. Ha!
  3. C

    Switched from Jacks to 321 to Jacks RO 12-4-16 and getting N toxicity

    Nice job they turned out nice for sure. What is that strain. I Hate to hear about your diagnosis. Keep doing what you’re doing brother! Those drs sure can’t tell a Viking when they see one. You and I are both Vikings! I’ve got some crazy stuff going on to and I understand stopping for a while. I...
  4. C

    Switched from Jacks to 321 to Jacks RO 12-4-16 and getting N toxicity

    You can with good results. I’m sure you’ve looked around and have seen how others mess around with the formula but just use what works for you. Any tweeks you make just write them down so you can look back on for reference. You know how it goes. Some strains like to Eat a lot. Some not so much...
  5. C

    Switched from Jacks to 321 to Jacks RO 12-4-16 and getting N toxicity

    I agree with above. Mag def. Always rinse and buffer your coco before using with 6.0 water. Silica should be the first thing to go in your mix and let it sit, agitate for a while before adding nutes. I start at a 1/4 ml then work up till middle of flower. More you add the higher the ph. I’m in...
  6. C

    Switched from Jacks to 321 to Jacks RO 12-4-16 and getting N toxicity

    I as well tryed the ro 12-4-16 from 321. Im in Rdwc and don’t go over 1ec. I also had some clawing and n tox. It leveled out for the most part and all looked great otherwise. I also tryed jacks bloom for 2 weeks at flip just to see if It helped. Started getting som cal issues switched back to...
  7. C

    Nutrient uptake rates for NPKCaMgS--a nice graph

    I try to never go over 400 unless I over shoot a bit. But you’re absolutely right on low ec. Going with 0 ec water I’ve burnt tips at 400 with light feeders in top of veg. In Rdwc.
  8. C

    Extrordinarily High PPM's - No Nute Burn? Normal?

    I know this is old but your meter has / had an extra digit on end. There is no way you can go that high.
  9. C

    Jacks mix up.

    Thanks for the reply’s. This would be Just for flower. would like to lower the N. Up the P a bit first couple weeks would be good. I looked at the no N formula. Guess I could call jacks. But I do have some 321 still and calnit. Grown with it all the way thru quite a few runs but switched to...
  10. C

    Jacks mix up.

    Has anybody tried jacks ro 12-4-16 thru veg then switched to jacks 5-12-26 thru flower without the calnit? Or switched and went back to ro formula till end. I’m in Rdwc atm. If so what was your findings. Wanting to boost P up just a hair. So far so good on the jacks ro in veg. Thanks in advance.
  11. C

    Still no independent review of the GeekBeast Pro???

    That’s good it works for the smaller lights for sure. I tryed to download the apk file and it wouldn’t let me so I gues they took it off to. I’ll probably just go with how I have it wired now and ad another driver for ir. Thanks for the tip and info tho!
  12. C

    Still no independent review of the GeekBeast Pro???

    Nice! Idk but mine have to have WiFi to raise main lights up. The Bluetooth worked the uv ir just fine for of n on. Will see if it works and let you know. Thanks.
  13. C

    Something weird going on with leaves.

    Nevermind. I scoped them and it’s leaf septoria. Glad it was only the 2. Still sucks tho.
  14. C

    Something weird going on with leaves.

    So I started Rdwc back up with jacks Ro this time and after a week or so started noticing leaves had some small white spots on them and didn’t look healthy. Now it’s looking bad after 2 days. I can’t see any bugs and it’s not powdery mildew. Running a sterile system so not sure what it is. First...
  15. C

    Epsom salt?

    Those are trees! Nice.