Recent content by Cracken

  1. Cracken

    Am i ready for harvest? 1st grow.

    most strains are 60-70 days some take even longer so hold off for another 7-10 days. also remember, growing is only part of the process, next you will want to dry and then cure for a week minimum, so then you bring out the flavor.
  2. Cracken

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    they look really good. I dont like how the light hangs from the wire. it looks like a pain when time to adjust.
  3. Cracken

    Apologies in advance

    Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 T8-HO UVB Fluorescent Lamp - 24" answered you question i have?
  4. Cracken

    Apologies in advance

    i did see a video like that. 2 tests equal start and then vortex had a head start because it is slow to get up to speed. i am not here to BS anyone just saying what i saw. i have an infinity fan now and i have no issues with it. after you do your test please inform me of the results so i can...
  5. Cracken

    How long for buds to grow

    the internet has information on the very basics of growing any plant. basic rules are: FILL the pot up to 1" below the top with soil water only if soil is dry. to answer your initial question, there are many possibilities. first fill the pot with soil then revisit the question a month from now.
  6. Cracken

    Apologies in advance

    i seen it on youtube. I did not think it would be true myself until I watched. in the past vortex was all that I ran myself. but for the cost difference thou I can get two infinity's so its about the same.
  7. Cracken

    Apologies in advance

    for a fan I would go with an "infinity cloudline" you can choose the the size that suits your needs but for that size of room I would go 6" I have seen these tested against the Vortex and have a stronger suction and can be taken apart to clean the blades as for lighting, I would recommend...
  8. Cracken

    That purple disease thing we keep seeing

    i has similar a few years back and it was random around the buds and small leaves. and not on every branch. never effected the taste or yield so I just figured it was just something in the genetics. my strain was a texada time warp that I crossed with a male of the same genetics. then it was...
  9. Cracken

    The First Thing You Want President Biden To Do (Fantasy Thread Let your Freak Flag Fly)

    you can have the oil but, I will fight you for our maple syrup... that stuff is the best poured over bacon and pancakes. (pulls up a chair) ok we can share.
  10. Cracken

    The First Thing You Want President Biden To Do (Fantasy Thread Let your Freak Flag Fly)

    and people like you are the reason that 'mericans are hated the world over. a god complex that you are better then everyone and always right. I bet you got your 6 shooter attached to your side like you have the power of thor. Arguing on the internet is like running in the special...
  11. Cracken

    The First Thing You Want President Biden To Do (Fantasy Thread Let your Freak Flag Fly)

    No matter what happens your country is a mess
  12. Cracken

    Too many fan leaves cut off?

    all responses you have received are good advice. the plants grow leaves for the reason to make energy, however i follow the approach of removing all leaves, shoots and fluff buds from the bottom of my branches so like a lollipop. bud sites that have only 6-8 hairs will never amount to more then...
  13. Cracken

    The First Thing You Want President Biden To Do (Fantasy Thread Let your Freak Flag Fly)

    I am not sure if your are able to read properly, Hillary Clinton is the woman I am referring to. why start name calling, I am just as entitled to add my two cents on here as every other member. politics is a topic only certain people can discuss and remain open minded, I know Donald Duck is an...
  14. Cracken

    The First Thing You Want President Biden To Do (Fantasy Thread Let your Freak Flag Fly)

    That pic is priceless. this should be his campaign poster. it shows he is willing to get behind the transgender movement..... LMAO i kill myself
  15. Cracken

    Accidental. From seed to 7' (First)

    any thing above the fluff line i keep until the last two weeks of budding, then i strip the fans to allow more light to get to the lower buds that need the uvb to get nice crystal formation. but some strains need more trimming then others. my hash plant was looking like a hedge until i...