Recent content by coombaya

  1. C

    Please help me with my seedlings

    using distilled water so i shouldnt need to adjust it right?
  2. C

    Please help me with my seedlings

    yes the rockwool is moist.
  3. C

    Please help me with my seedlings

    so i have 3 seedlings that sprouted 3 days ago. they are in rockwool and i have a T5 light about a foot above the seedlings. my problem is within the last 6 hours the leaves(not the round ones but the pointed ones)are starting to curl up tight and turn brown. one of them is even starting to...
  4. C

    People or groups to follow on Twitter

    I am a huge fan of Twitter and see it as a very useful source of information. Was wondering if anyone else out there uses Twitter and if so am looking for some recommendations on people to follow who have useful info to pass along on the subject of growing marijuana or marijuana topics in general.
  5. C

    Shopping list

    Thanks for the info. Can anyone else give me some ideas on what else they use.
  6. C

    Shopping list

    I have the general hydroponics 3 part system and am going to the hydro store to get what else I need to grow the ultimate medication. This is where I need help. What other nutrients should I buy to go along with my 3 part gh system? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. C

    Need genetics

    Tried to pm you rzza but said you exceeded the total pm messages and needed to clear some space.
  8. C

    Need genetics

    Anyone in the Kalamazoo area know where to get some clones or seeds? Don't really want to order them online but am willing to travel a little ways to get them. Any dispensaries or peeps selling these around these parts? Any help would greatly be appreciated.
  9. C

    Want to grow other plants also with my mmjz

    I have an ebb and flow hydro system and have room to put some other plants in my tray. Was wondering what other plants would grow well with the nutrients I am using(flora system)? Are other plants on the same light schedule as marijuana? Can I clone off other plants in my outdoor garden? Any...
  10. C

    Question on mmj card

    Cool thanks everyone.
  11. C

    Question on mmj card

    No I'm not growing yet but I will be as soon as my 21 days is up but am wanting to buy ness while I wait for plans t get done. Can I do this and if so what do I put on my paperwork to be able to do this? Hope this makes sense. Want to do this all legally as I don't want these privileges ever...
  12. C

    Question on mmj card

    Oh yea. Am frm Michigan if you couldn't already tell by where I posted this thread.
  13. C

    Question on mmj card

    I'm going in Friday for my appointment and need to know what I need to put on my paperwork. I am wanting to grow myself but while waiting am looking to either get a caregiver or visit a comassion club nearby to get my meds while I wait to harvest. Is this possibe and if so what do I check on my...
  14. C

    PVC pipe for passive intake

    Is a j tube PVC or metal? How would I mount that so my cabinet stays stealth? Trying to picture it in my head but can't seem too.