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  • Hi, , I created a monster could some1 please suggest some pointer's in relation to my plant, ive started growing it since late May, and it has survived the most coldest summer's in the uk! it started budding ever since september now and i got a feeling in my gut itz not smokable,evan though the characteristic's show's,displays female!im a first time grower and is going through some nail bitting issue's due to the state of my plant! Itz been growing outside in the sun and i would bring it in random stormy days ,ive been giving it 14 hour's light and 14hours no light! feeding it miracle grow and normal tap water! Every 14 hour's! Since the sand looksvery dry, ive loosing up the soil each day and kinda strated seeing some brown pistels forming out of the hair's! im not a expert on growing Sooooooo please help ,,,Cheer's
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