Recent content by ColoradoCheshire

  1. ColoradoCheshire

    4x Mango Skunk Flowering Period

    Alrighty. Monday morning pics and update time. The girls are chugging along nicely. A couple of them are a little fucked up, but it's nothing I really am worried about. One is getting some orange pistils already, which isn't terrible since I have two holding with strong all white pistils. The...
  2. ColoradoCheshire

    4x Mango Skunk Flowering Period

    Yeah I always used fly paper, and that helped for the most part. This grow I haven't had them, maybe one or two, but the roots are good and dry the dirt every day or two. When I ran SoG I had too much open empty dirt so they flourished and made life hell. Now not so much, and I really enjoy...
  3. ColoradoCheshire

    4x Mango Skunk Flowering Period

    So things are going along smoothly. They're still a little hungry for nutes, but I really don't want to burn them with PK. The pistils are super healthy and white. That's one thing I try to get for my flowers is good healthy pistils. The longer they stay white, the better the end product is...
  4. ColoradoCheshire

    4x Mango Skunk Flowering Period

    Preflower phase is finally done. Now the nodes are starting to develop nicely. Did a little defoliating this morning to open up the lower limbs and get more light throughout. Raised the light to it's final height. Currently about 27-30" from the tops. The tent has been about 81 degrees average...
  5. ColoradoCheshire

    4x Mango Skunk Flowering Period

    Weekly update time. So the mangos are really starting to fill up the horizontal aspect of the tent. A few tops have really shot up in height, but other than that it's a fairly even canopy. I decided to give them their first round of bloom nutrients. Using Alaska Bloom nutes. I try to use as...
  6. ColoradoCheshire

    4x Mango Skunk Flowering Period

    Monday update. Girls are all doing well and adjusting nicely to their final pots. They need a good drenching of water though. All four have started stretching and are beginning pre flowers. We'll see how tall they get. I'm hoping somewhere near four feet when they get into week 4 or 5 of full...
  7. ColoradoCheshire

    (Nirvana)Mango skunk vs Bagseed

    Too much nitro.....Causes 'green' buds.
  8. ColoradoCheshire

    4x Mango Skunk Flowering Period

    Hey Sapphyre. Thanks for pulling up a chair. You'll be excited with this strain. Pretty steady as far as building foliage. They don't mind being topped at all. I start topping pretty early on, at about the 4th or 5th node. Then usually every other node or third node from each top. It does take...
  9. ColoradoCheshire

    4x Mango Skunk Flowering Period

    So I started these feminized mango skunks from seed about 10 weeks ago. Had them in 2.5 gallon pots for vegging and a mix of LST and topping. I transplanted them into 8 gallon pots to finish out. I have anywhere from 10-18 tops for each plant. Equipment is as follows: 4x4 grow tent; two clip...
  10. ColoradoCheshire

    (Nirvana)Mango skunk vs Bagseed

    And yes the hard part is just beginning. Drying and curing is a toughy sometimes. Jar too early, it can mold. Jar too late and you lose all moisture reclaim and get dry buds. Honestly though I prefer a little drier now, because tossing a whole jar of buds because of mold makes me cry....
  11. ColoradoCheshire

    (Nirvana)Mango skunk vs Bagseed

    I'd go one more week. Even if it's still throwing white pistils, it's almost there. Any longer and you risk self pollination. I think your mango skunk did amazing bro. It's a shame your aurora stunted because that strain is a good thick indica with great bud/leaf ratio. Let me know how mango-y...
  12. ColoradoCheshire

    (Nirvana)Mango skunk vs Bagseed

    Trichs look good. Wait until you see some more clouding. As far as thrips, never encountered them myself. Only ever have had fungus gnats which are a pain in the ass themselves. Only guess I can offer, do you ever go to your room after playing around outdoors? Only thing I can think is maybe...
  13. ColoradoCheshire

    (Nirvana)Mango skunk vs Bagseed

    You can go by trichs or overall lack of continued stacking for indicators the plant is done, but recently I've been taking a note from some people getting better results than I at harvest time. Patience is key, and you want to wait until the calyxes have fully swelled. It can take an extra 2-3...
  14. ColoradoCheshire

    (Nirvana)Mango skunk vs Bagseed

    Unless you do one of those diy a/c units on YouTube out of a cooler, regular old a/c is the only way to effectively lower temps. Good job not putting the dehumidifier inside. Those put out serious heat. Just make sure you have inlines for intake/exhaust and you should be fine. Been there done...
  15. ColoradoCheshire

    (Nirvana)Mango skunk vs Bagseed

    Enjoy the GSC. That was my last harvest. Really strong growers. Nice dense nugs too.