Recent content by cmantis

  1. C

    Is there a Product similar to Super Soil for sale in the Denver area??

    I would like to know this too...bump
  2. C

    The Green Avenger Soil

    Any word on this?
  3. C

    Slater Center Tour

    Sorry I couldn't make it but LBH thanks a lot for putting this together for us! I heard it was a great time. Its good to see the community really pulling together.
  4. C

    Slater Center Tour

    LBH I sent you a message but haven't heard back if anyone else knows the details please pm me. Otherwise I will assume it is still on for noon?
  5. C

    I'm drunk and my plant is young

    Don't drink your plant.
  6. C

    Indiana Bubblegum/Attitude

    Serious and TH Seeds took the same BBG but in different directions.
  7. C

    my new addiction....

    Kief....the best way to fly!
  8. C

    LED Light Manufacturer Recommendations

    The LEDs marketed for this specific industry are overpriced imo.
  9. C

    If you were not limited on Plant Count. Which method would you use to grow?

    Sorry had to edit my reply I thought you were limited, now I see you are not.
  10. C

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    Whats a good ratio for vegging with led?
  11. C

    Buying Seeds?

    Be advised that not all prepaid cards (in fact most) don't work for international orders.
  12. C

    What is the wattage comparison between LED and T5 for veg?

    I am looking to setup a large (22'x14') veg room and am debating between going with T5s vs LED. What would be the comparison wattage wise between LEDs and T5s? I am trying to do a sizing/cost comparison to see which I should go with. Also if I go LEDs it would be a custom job and I am looking...
  13. C

    Jamaican landrace?

    To the OP if it is a seed from someone on the beach it probably isn't that good. The good stuff comes from up in the mountains. I agree most of what you get down there is really bad by our standards but that is as an outsider. You have to get to know some locals well and then you can get the...
  14. C

    20k$ 28ftx14ft New Super Grow House "Journal"

    If you decide to go watercooled you can get an airhandler that will both cool and dehumidify.
  15. C

    Help getting MMJ card in Colorado at 18?

    If it is legal and there is nothing wrong with you why do you want your medical card?