Recent content by clueless

  1. C

    Fishing and hunting

    Yeah, nice bird and nice shot. My dad shot alot of trap but wasn't into hunting, so I have never been out. I was still young when he got out of it due to shell costs. Now the shells look cheap... you just can't afford to get to a club... damn gas!
  2. C

    Fishing and hunting

    Yup, good ol' fashion sturgeon. I did see a small one landed once (maybe 5-6lbs). It turned out the people were from out of town and didn't know what it was. They didn't want to touch it :) Best part about watching them catch that was they tried to net it and it laid across the net rim. It...
  3. C

    Fishing and hunting

    Out of curiosity, is the meat in a 60+lb catfish any good? I'm trying to picture how I'd go about cleaning it... :confused:
  4. C

    Fishing and hunting

    Hahahha... I just remembered my cousin picking suckers out of the water by hand. He learned the hard way to make sure it's really a sucker as he sliced his hand open while grabbing a walleye.
  5. C

    Fishing and hunting

    hmmm... Fish stories... Well, I was out fishing suckers because I was bored (probably 20 years ago now). I was using an ultralight w/ 4lb test and the fish were in the 2 to 5lb range. Anyway, I've been at it for a couple hours and was getting bored when all of a sudden it felt like I had...
  6. C

    First grow...plenty of ??

    If the roots from two seeds intertwine, improvise. If you get one male and one female in a pot, you can still kill the male, right? What you're going to give up is nice even growth... they're gonna grow like bushes you see planted against buildings most likely. They'll adapt, just feed them...
  7. C

    CRISPY CRITTERS suggestions for rehydrating

    Not sure how it works for the stash, but we use a slice of bread for cookies.
  8. C

    20 Yo Virgin

    I'll pass along a few more hints... 1) Go somewhere where people don't know you. There are no preconceived notions of who you are supposed to be. 2) Enjoy yourself. Once you can get past the "worst that can happen", you'll do fine. Pick out the hottest single girl in the bar and go get...
  9. C

    Anyone into cars/trucks

    I've got a Ford Excursion Diesel, tuned and just a wee bit of propane. It's somewhere north of 400hp with gobs of torque. This makes for a good daily driver, especially when catching the unsuspecting muscle car off-guard.
  10. C

    Toking up + Homework/essays?

    I think it depends on how your mind works... do you have multiple thoughts passing through at once and think about all of it or do you think about things one item at a time? I find I need external stimuli (music, tv, noise) or other assistance to "slow things down", which allows me to better...
  11. C

    what to do

    Don't do it. Nothing good can come of it. No excuses even if you're days away from having a divorce finalized or she cheated on you.
  12. C

    Is misogyny alive and well here at RIU?

    Sadly true...
  13. C

    Is misogyny alive and well here at RIU?

    I needed to expand on my thoughts (my fingers don't keep up with them). I was getting at the fact everyone has to behave differently than white men when "out in the world" working, socializing, etc (IMO). I'm actually embarrased to be a male at times. I just can't understand why they would...
  14. C

    Is misogyny alive and well here at RIU?

    My $.02 cents... I don't even joke about this sort of stuff. I'm a father of 4 children, two boys and two girls. I've had these conversations with my daughters, trying to tell them the way it should be as well as the way it is. I want them to be able to maneuver the world in a respectful...
  15. C

    onions in my herb

    I think you should splice the onion bulb onto the weed top... might be tasty. You could call it potion.