Recent content by cletusboost

  1. C


    Works great! Can't beat the price..
  2. C

    Vero blinking with fasttech driver?

    Fasttech was quick to respond and said they will look to improve quality control. The process of returning and receiving a replacement was fast and easy and they covered all shipping cost. Bummer getting a dud but they did take care of it.
  3. C

    Vero blinking with fasttech driver?

    Thanx for the heads up. I have 2 cxa3070's powered by the perfect-deal ebay drivers but they sold out. That's why I went with fasttech drivers for the vero's. Supra, you're one of the ones that got me going diy led. Thanx big time to you and all the others that share all this great info
  4. C

    Vero blinking with fasttech driver?

    I hooked it up to another vero18 and it did the same thing. Looks like I'll have to contact fasttech and send this thing back. Thank you
  5. C

    Vero blinking with fasttech driver?

    Vero18 powered by 50w fasttech driver. I picked up 2 vero18's and 2 fasttech 50w driver's and one of them is blinking. I think it's the driver because I don't think the cob would blink on it's own? I don't have anything to test them and didn't want to swap cob's to test in fear damaging a good...
  6. C

    Dresser stealth

    This is my grow dresser. The whole thing is DIY cept fer the fan which is a 4" inline. Home built ballast, cool tube, and carbon filters. Yes you will see duct tape cos I'm poor and it works! 4sq ft 13 plus cubic ft 400 watt hps. Temps lights on 78-80 lights off 70-72. This whole deal ran me...
  7. C

    Dresser stealth

  8. C

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    She showed lady bits at bout 3 weeks in and has been doing this from that point on. This pic is bout 6-7 weeks. This is my first grow, so far so good. I'm running coco and Blue planet nutrients 2 part. These nutes are phucking sick or I got really lucky? I'm not sure and i'm not complaining...
  9. C

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I know this is newb ? But I can not upload pics? I tried photobucket and they say my user name is not valid....
  10. C

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Where did you get the purple kush? As far as I can see no kush at all at nirvana....
  11. C

    can filter problems

    Went and picked up a 4" inline like this^. 170cfm bloomerang from a local hydro shop. The guy said this a product made for them by another company. 100$ bill and a 5 year warranty so I should be good to go. Thanx again......
  12. C

    can filter problems

    Anyone know the dimensions on something like this?
  13. C

    can filter problems

    Something like that. It's what I picked up for the space I'm in. Didn't think to much of the pressure end of things because the thing blew like hell. So yeah, I guess that could be the source of my problems. Thanx....
  14. C

    can filter problems

    Both ends are sealed as is the inside from out so the only place for the air to go is through carbon. I used hardware cloth and pantyhose to keep the carbon in place. The hardware cloth is similar to chicken wire.
  15. C

    can filter problems

    Thanx...Yeah I have seen that filter build. I basically made a scaled down canister filter like you'd find in your local hydro shop.