Recent content by ChronIIc KusH

  1. C

    Need Bit Of Advice Please (pic to show)

    thanks guys will adjust ph and lower light to 400 see how that goes
  2. C

    Need Bit Of Advice Please (pic to show)

    growth rate still seems to be good aswell
  3. C

    Need Bit Of Advice Please (pic to show)

    sorry my medium is gold label 60/40 coco/clayballs should i adjust my ph and my light is about a foot high on 600w its only a closet tent should i lower it to 400 it currently sits at 26 degrees celsius high of 29 humidty is around 50 my hand on top of the plant doesnt feel like it is bein...
  4. C

    Need Bit Of Advice Please (pic)

    heres some pics in light and under iphone flash im hoping the yellowing is due to needing nutes as only just come off plant start
  5. C

    Need Bit Of Advice Please (pic to show)

    im hoping so mate just started with nutes so maybe will clear up
  6. C

    Need Bit Of Advice Please (pic)

    any ideas ppl? under 600w light at 26 degrees c
  7. C

    Need Bit Of Advice Please (pic to show)

    the strain is big buddhas blue cheese just came off plant start and now using vitalink earth at half strength along with calmag, nitrogen, an roots excellurater just wondered why they are curled up and wrinkly it has been like this the whole time my ph is at 5.6 hope this is enough info for...
  8. C

    Need Bit Of Advice Please (pic)

    the strain is big buddhas blue cheese just came off plant start and now using vitalink earth at half strength along with calmag, nitrogen, an roots excellurater just wondered why they are curled up and wrinkly it has been like this the whole time my ph is at 5.6 hope this is enough info for...
  9. C


    everybody has 2 learn somewhere and they come here for advice go easy on ppl we all learn at one point
  10. C

    Puney, Wavey new growth in veg?

    possibly need bit of magne cal but agree with above maybe a n def aswell
  11. C

    male or female? Help its my first grow.

    close up pic of the nodes mate
  12. C

    Plant weirded out over night, help.

    personal opinion maybe too young to be out in wild i always start indoors and slowly climatise them
  13. C

    Germination Problems

    i always get a rooting plug give it a soak in water and little root stim squeeze it out the pop my seed in tear a bit of sponge and cover the hole store in a dark cupboard around 20-25 degrees not 100% on temps but the method always works for me m8
  14. C

    Brown hairs??

    hairs can turn at anytime when the time is near u need to be using a scope and checking the trichomes
  15. C

    please help

    are u referring to the paleness of plant?? looks like it could do with nitrogen to me plays a important part in good healthy growth temps also bit warm is that browning on end of leaves ? have u maybe been giving it too many nutes at one point