Recent content by chickennugget

  1. C

    New light, hmmmm

    those are most commonly used in recessed lights, so you'll probably have to buy a can. I think the spiral compact fluros are brighter though.
  2. C

    What Kind Of Deficiency is This???

    ph is a bit low for soil. try 6.4ish
  3. C

    Anyone know whats wrong?

    see if this helps International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
  4. C

    Are my plants retarded? *pics*

    thanks guys. So far, the only stress that i could see would have been a few days where the temps inside the tent reached 88 or so. The first couple weeks after they rooted, i used straight RO water ph'ed at 6.4. Then i used fox farms nutes which seemed way too hot and switched everything to...
  5. C

    Are my plants retarded? *pics*

    These were all grown from clones. I'm about 4 days into flowering and they look good for the most part...except for the retarded leaf patterns. Is this normal? Some are curled, and have 1-3 blades only. What the hell is going on? The mom was about 1.5 ft tall when i took the clones off of...
  6. C

    Reveg for how long to take clones?

    Thank you so much for the quick reply. I'll put her back on 18/6 with the MH starting tomorrow. So, if i decide to take the cuttings now, i can just put them straight into 18/6 and they should be good?
  7. C

    Reveg for how long to take clones?

    Question for you folks. I currently have 2 plants that have been on a 12/12 light schedule for about 6 days now. One is definitely a female...other might be a male. I've decided i want to take clones from the fem and i'm in no real hurry to get a harvest from her just yet. How long should i...
  8. C

    Light hanger help

    the plastic gray part with the hole is where you thread the light hanger through(wingnut facing the front of light). You tie the string end to either an s-hook, carabiner, or those screw hooks that they usually come with.
  9. C

    exhausting into the wall

    It won't work. At most, you'll have 16 inches of space between the vertical studs which run the height of your floor to ceiling. It'll basically be like blowing into a enclosed box. If you have an attic directly above you, it shouldn't be anything more then drywall and a layer of joint...
  10. C

    Would this be possible? (n00b)

    Thanks. I looked up fimming in the growfaq. Is it necessary to prune the top before fimming? OR should i just snip the very top where the new leaves come out. A few leaves were just beat to hell. My cat got to them and they were yellowing around the chewed parts so i snipped them. I...
  11. C

    Would this be possible? (n00b)

    This is my first grow so i don't really know what i'm doing, but... My plants are almost a foot tall now and i'm about to throw them into 12/12 after another inch or 2. Would it be possible to top it and use what i cut off as a clone? Are they even big enough to take a clone or two off...
  12. C

    Aeroponics qeustions..

    there aren't any pet shops or aquarium stores near you?
  13. C

    First time bubbler. Quick question about water level.

    I have no experience with this, but how high does the water level need to be? Also, i have rockwool plugs. Should i start seeds in a dome first or can i put it straight in the bucket set up as long as i keep everything moist? Thanks.
  14. C

    Ventilation Damping

    I'm thinking about springing for the insulated ducting myself. I went to home depot to check it out and the insulated looks a lot thicker. Master Flow 6 In. Metalized R6 Insulated Flexible Duct (F6IFD Series) - F6IFD6X300 at The Home Depot
  15. C

    Bottom yellowing. over water, deficiency, ...?

    I've never watered with epsom salt. When i first started these out, i had yellowing tips, but that turned out to be a pH problem. I still think it's too early to tell if it's spreading upward. I'll check mid day tomorrow and post. Were your plants rootbound? I'm going to water with just...