Recent content by Chichonii

  1. C

    how to get dense buds?

    is auto mazar any good?
  2. C

    is something wrong with this pictures

    it got over crowded i had 2 big auto mazars with 3 little ones and all of a sudden a bugar dude gave me some kritikal k photo period already started seed i didnt want to kill them sooo
  3. C

    is something wrong with this pictures

    lost track of auto mazars in the middle
  4. C

    a few days of dark before harvest???

    And get them reveg mby hahahahaha
  5. C

    Do they look rdy

    should i let them stay for a week or two or what
  6. C

    how do they look

    do they look hungry XD
  7. C

    Amateur growing

    Lower shaded leaves loosing color and some other deficiency
  8. C

    Continue yellowing

    i had problem witth fungus gnats i dont see them today
  9. C

    Continue yellowing

    the question is should i give them something or just water them till finish
  10. C

    Continue yellowing

    i know about the seed the little one is polinated from a male plant for possible hybrid
  11. C

    Continue yellowing

    and by feeding i only use water i dont use extra fed
  12. C

    Continue yellowing

    the potmix is plain growmix with npk of 20/5/6 and in flower stage i feed then on 2 3 days couse of the soil getting to moist and cant dry properly
  13. C

    Continue yellowing

    Is it hungry or its locked
  14. C

    Nutrient deficiency lockout or just natural

    I got grow shops I thought I give me some potting mix advice nutrient and what type of spectrum to use
  15. C

    Nutrient deficiency lockout or just natural

    Can u give me some advice on future light potmix and such.. Would be much apriciated