Recent content by Cheeberman

  1. Cheeberman

    Question about light timing..

    Having the Lights turned off a couple of times during the vegetative state can cause the right amount of stress to lean plants toward female characteristics. So dont even worry about it.
  2. Cheeberman

    are my plants gonna be ok? or are they done for

    Those plants look like there in the worst place they could be in when there so young like that. You need to move them to a more clean and sterile enviorment. they also dont look like their getting enough light.
  3. Cheeberman

    Two Headed Blueberry?!?

    You know I had a dream about a plant doing this, then I thought wow that would be the most unseen plant, wierd...
  4. Cheeberman

    somebody help me please (pics)

    I think the leaf looks fine. Check Ph, and maybe the amount of nitrogen you are giving it.