Recent content by cchamp

  1. C

    What would you do?

    Yeah- I competely understand how seeds come about. My question is how long it takes to go from a banana appearing, to releasing the pollen, to actual seeds growing in your bud. If it takes a few weeks to happen then it would be smart to just let the plants finish out. See what I'm saying? Of...
  2. C

    What would you do?

    How long does it take to go from nanner to seeds though? If its two weeks from finishing is that enough time to ruin it?
  3. C

    What would you do?

    If you had a successful grow going and your big boss of the grow started popping nanners late stage? Say some of them are ready to roll or are very close while some still have more time. Too many nanners to manage. Would you chop the Paul Bunyan or let it ride and attempt to manage the damage?
  4. C

    Do attics get hot in the summer?

    Be prepared to rip all of your drywall/enhancements out if you don't have an exit other than the attic pull down stairs. City code will get you on that one when you try to sell your house. I say take advantage of the winter or don't use it at all. Depending on where you live the winter can...
  5. C

    Thanks But No Danks First Grow, 2011,Southern Guerrilla Style

    Was a tough summer in NC. If you made it past that two week stretch of rain without too much bud rot you did alright.
  6. C

    Into The Last Few Weeks

    Can't tell from those pics.
  7. C

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Don't know if the constant rains the past few weeks got any of the rest of you but they forced an early end to my season. Went out last weekend and bud rot was everywhere. Had to harvest about two weeks too early. Not much you can do to avoid it when its a hike to get to your spot. What I...
  8. C

    NC Grow Op progress.

    I had some tipped over after the hurricane. Didn't think it was strong enough to really do damage but it did. I went and bought some huge tomato stakes from home depot (they have 9 foot stakes) so hopefully they survived this last wave. At this stage have to watch that wind!
  9. C

    Guerrilla grower's nightmare Leaf spot disease

    I've been aggresively fighting it for about 3 weeks now with liquid copper. I think I've slowed it down but it surely hasn't stopped. Everything in the woods is covered with it. Its like treating one person for TB in a room full of people with TB. Hopefully I can ride it out one more month...
  10. C

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    I got nailed by Irene. Didn't see that one coming as the winds weren't too bad. Apparently 40mph winds are enough to do some damage.
  11. C

    Staking up some big ones....

    Unfortunately just made it out to see the plot post-Irene to find a few of the plants had been knocked over. I was able to come up with some temporary props with tomato stakes and twine. The plants have really started to put on some weight though. Here is the rub: How the hell do you stake...
  12. C

    is it bad for a outdoor plant that just got its pistoles to be outside in the rain?

    At what point in a 9 week flower cycle would you need to start shaking after a rain?
  13. C

    PLANTS NEED HELP!! - What is this???

    Looks like leaf spot disease to me. Its a progressive fungus that will kill your plant. There is a thread on here somewhere discussing it. If that is indeed what it is (and it looks like it is) you need to get Bonide liquid copper to drench the plants. You can't cure them but you can stop...
  14. C

    Outdoor water transport

    Wal-Mart sells something very similar to this. 5 gallon coleman water jug with spigot. Only 7 bucks and works like a charm. Will fit in an average sized back pack.
  15. C

    Guerrilla grower's nightmare Leaf spot disease

    Tristy- have to give you a big thanks for bringing this issue to RIU. I read the entire 22 page thread. You saved my ass (hopefully). My tomatoe and green pepper crop got absolutely wiped out by this and I had no idea what it was. I just thought they couldn't cope with our high summer temps...