Recent content by cbclamp56

  1. cbclamp56

    Wanted new 18mm dome set w/ dish and dabber, will pay for a heady piece if interested

    I am looking to replace my 18mm dome for my oil rig because it cracked and is getting worse and is currently held together by the will of god. I want to have someone on these forums that blows glass blow me a custom piece. I want something goofy with a side entrance that is the dome pieces mouth...
  2. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    @Jloi Yeah she seems to be doing good I am going to wait until my C99 is on her 40th day from seed to change over to flowering cycle. This is just so that it is an even number day and it will be easier to keep up with. That will put the two Libertys and the WW at 30 days from seed. The WW...
  3. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    Here is an update for the White Widow. She has started doing much better and the new growth looks pretty much normal. I think she will be just fine and I hope that she starts to show pre-flowers soon because I need to get my c99 into the flowering light cycle. She actually has surpassed the...
  4. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    @Jloi, Yeah I have come to the conclusion that they have been over nuted. Not from me adding nutes but from the fox farm soil that they were started in. I do have a basic understanding of the art of growing plants in any of their forms. I appreciate the input and the directory it is very...
  5. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    This is the White Widow that is having problems. She still looks rough but had definitely grown a lot. The good thing is the new growth appears to be getting better and better each time. I think she will be fine just going to be stunted. Next time I will make sure to plant in a less...
  6. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    Thanks for the advice. I don't really know either it's just strange but she does seem to be doing better but slow. I am hoping that she decides to take and just busts out. lol. I will keep updates on her coming I was just trying to let her go a few days because I was driving myself insane...
  7. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    @shadeforlife I like that method next time I will do this seems to be a good method and makes sense. The only reason that I did it this way is because I have a c99 plant that is doing awesome in just the foxfarm. She is 22 days old and I am now using lst to make sure that she stays low but she...
  8. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    @HotShot7471 Yeah the plant seems to be doing better there is new growth and the stem is getting thicker. I think she is going to be fine just got to give her time. Just had me worried because I did nothing differently from the other except that it is a different strain. I guess either that...
  9. cbclamp56

    any strain suggestions for a 1st time grow?

    I am growing c99 from femaleseeds and it has been a breeze... Grows fast and I have a feeling it is going to be potent when its finished. Great for indoor and scrog.
  10. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    @Edgar9 No I just soaked the seed and put them straight into the soil. I soaked for 12 hrs and then made a hole about an inch deep and dropped them in. I did use the paper towel method with some seeds before and they just never took so I figured I'd just do it as close as how nature intended...
  11. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    @Randm I have been giving nothing but pure water and making sure that I let the soil dry before I rewater. She is still showing new growth and the new growth actually is looking like it maybe getting better still not where it is supposed to be though. I am going to wait it out and see and I...
  12. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    @MrGhettoGrower Yeah I knew that it may be rough starting in the foxfarm but I kind of just ordered it all and then did it all at once. My other plants aren't having any trouble and I actually think this one is going to survive she is just going to be stunted until she gets through this. I am...
  13. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    She got started in the same soil and was doing fine until I replanted her. That is why I was thinking maybe the replant was just too stressful being that she was so young. I have 3 others just not White Widow. They look ok and my c99 is 20 days old and looks great and was started the same...
  14. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    Yes I watered her in when I repotted and she is showing new growth still I just can't figure out what is wrong with her. She is 10 days old. I hope she is ok I am going to leave her until either she gets better or croaks. I really appreciate the response.
  15. cbclamp56

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    This plant was recently replanted would like to know what may be the problem with it. The soil's ph is at 6.5 and have not overwatered nor under watered. I was thinking stress from the replant and maybe the soil is too hot for the young plant, its foxfarm ocean forest This is the only plant...