Recent content by CarterDE

  1. C

    Constructive criticism please!!!!!!!

    you put that into flowering youll be lucky to get an oz..
  2. C

    Buds 600W Perpetual Grow

    ur shit looks good man, keep it up
  3. C

    this kush and this resin

    yea resin will get you pretty high lol
  4. C

    anyone else in mi got spider mites recently?...

    yea a few weeks ago, i also got the Mighty wash. It worked wonders but leaves a sticky residue
  5. C


    Can i buy as many different nutrients as i want, and then put whatever i want in my water get the pH rite and its good? Or will to many different nutrients burn the plants up?
  6. C

    Curious about growth types

    So how long do you usually do your dirt plants for?
  7. C

    Curious about growth types

    Can anyone answer me??
  8. C

    Curious about growth types

    But can i do it in the same amount of time as Aero and Hydro?
  9. C

    Curious about growth types

    Im doing soil and Aeroponics rite now at the same time, and i was wondering if any of you can tell me if i can grow dirt for the same length as Aeroponics and give it the same nutrients and it yield about the same? or what the differences may be between they styles of growing. like Dirt, Hydro...