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  • a question for anyone who has managed to get through a grow of barneys farm " honey b "?, and if so, could they tell me there results of the end product... ( how the flower period went? ) , i've got 5 on myself, there nearly 4 weeks into flower now and well..? lets just say they big plants, nice little bud heads everywhere but they are so slow to start flowering.., the veg went without a hicup, very healthy plants and big fan leafs 12 inch in width, they look almost jurassic!!. i nipped them out twice in the veg period to try and keep them as nice little bushes. but. i switched to flower..and bang!!, the f**kers took off, one growing up to 3-4 inch a day now standing at 6+ ft. ( did mention this was an indoor opperation by the way!!) i thought this one twat ws going to go through my roof, so she had to learn to grow side ways , but i've never done this strain before so ain't got a clue???,, thats where i'm hoping a grower on here maybe able to help me out...? please thank you
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