Recent content by Cannabist Communist

  1. C

    600 Watt LED Closet Grow | Red Dwarf - Sharksbreath - Sour Cream - Greenhouse Thai

    And what a dwarf she is, too! Looks like you pulled a lot for just a dwarf. And it really looks like some quality stuff, too. Congrats! :clap:
  2. C

    possibly the cheapiest DWC

  3. C

    NEW Closet Set Up for L.E.D. Stealth Grow

    I can't believe the skulduggery that passes for trolling around here. When are they gonna learn to stop invading innocent grow journals and putting their unwanted comments where they simply don't belong? As if we ever gloat about the superiority of LEDs in their threads.. Ooh! I so third that...
  4. C

    OH NO!! wots this please help..

    So how's she doin' since your last update, singo?
  5. C

    Another L.E.D. Grow Journal - I'm baaaaack!

    Ha ha! That's it, people; feel the love! :bigjoint:
  6. C

    Another L.E.D. Grow Journal - I'm baaaaack!

    That's the spirit! Lead by example. I don't think there was any clear indication that he was or wasn't knocking it, but it certainly seemed tauntingly provocative. I just finished reading your other grow; that's definitely not bad for only 95 watts. No problem, keep it up, champ. ;-) Now that...
  7. C

    Another L.E.D. Grow Journal - I'm baaaaack!

    It's definitely worthwhile to see what it brings as compared with other plants that had more veg-time, if only to get a feel for the minimum of size a plant can be forced to take. I dunno if there's any stress a plant could suffer from being flowered so young, but I've never heard of stress...
  8. C

    600 Watt LED Closet Grow | Red Dwarf - Sharksbreath - Sour Cream - Greenhouse Thai

    This is lookin' very good, and I can't wait to see what happens next; I'm definitely subscribing. I really dig your photodocumentation technique; it seems very thorough and in the moment. Love to see lots of updates. I'm very interested in LED grows, and I've been very interested in LEDs for a...
  9. C

    Another L.E.D. Grow Journal - I'm baaaaack!

    Are you at all concerned about flowering while the little one's still so little? Have you flowered at such a tender age before? If so, what results does it get you? I know that they start growing vegetatively like crazy for the first few weeks of flower, but flowering when so small will still...
  10. C

    L.E.D lighting from HTGSUPPLY

    Just thought I'd get the right info out there. I understand your position, and maybe if I'd gotten this to ya sooner, things might be different. But what matters is the fact that you know, and you may experiment in the future, and hey, growin' weed is growin' weed, and I think that's a good...
  11. C

    NEW Closet Set Up for L.E.D. Stealth Grow

    If you'll take a look at the photos in the post just prior to yours, you'll see that his humidity's at 39% RH. I think he'll be all right. ;-) Plants largely use two frequencies of red and two frequencies of blue for photosynthesis at all stages of growth. They use a little bit of many other...
  12. C

    it is a HERMIE??

    Those definitely look suspicious, but in all likelihood they're just oddly placed seed bracts; they're the right shape and size, and pistils are protruding from them in the same manner.
  13. C

    L.E.D lighting from HTGSUPPLY

    Just hang on a sec, Ralphie. I've found some really reliable LED studies, grows, and side-by-side comparisons which demonstrate conclusively that LEDs emit more than enough light for even huge plants, their foliar penetration is actually slightly better than HIDs, and their intensity diminshes...
  14. C

    whats your favorite smokin song?

    Stockbridge, Let's Get High: