Recent content by Cannabis patient420

  1. Cannabis patient420

    Holes on my marijuana leafs help!!!

    neem oil or mix 50/50 soap and water
  2. Cannabis patient420

    Holes on my marijuana leafs help!!!

    mites will eat your leaves
  3. Cannabis patient420

    sun charged water?

    i let my water sit out in sun for two days
  4. Cannabis patient420

    help? lower leaves dying?

    the soil u have no nutes in it ?
  5. Cannabis patient420

    help? lower leaves dying?

    your tempture should be round 75 or 85 for goood plant growth do have bugs on the plant ? it look very sick it need help
  6. Cannabis patient420

    help? lower leaves dying?

    was your tempture in your growen room?
  7. Cannabis patient420

    help? lower leaves dying?

    your ph is low should round 6.5 or 7.0
  8. Cannabis patient420

    high tempture can stunt plant growth

    so win tempture are lower dose the plant go back into growen?
  9. Cannabis patient420

    high tempture can stunt plant growth

    my tempture say round 75 and then shoot to 90 that's bad for the plant sooo u need the tempture round 75 or 85 for good growth!
  10. Cannabis patient420

    high tempture can stunt plant growth

    high temptrure can make plant stop growing i have clone that almost 2 months she about 9 inchs
  11. Cannabis patient420

    Leaves poining up AND down.. pic.

    water every other day plant like it 5 days to long u want soil dry about 2inch from the top
  12. Cannabis patient420

    one pound of ganja (pics)

    lol that's alot smoke
  13. Cannabis patient420

    Help yellow brown spot leafs

    looks like ligth burns are your ligth to close?
  14. Cannabis patient420

    i think im going add molasses. win water my plants see that works im new grower

    chicken manure,worm castings, Kelp meal,Bat guano that's the nutrient inside the soil:joint: