Recent content by bwg

  1. B

    Brothers With Glass review

    Hey Ty thanks for the review! We really do love to hear back from our customers! That pipe is actually from one of your favorite blowers and they are located right in Washington. We would love it if you reviewed the product too! Thanks again...
  2. B

    Hey here is a coupon code to save 10% off your order if you are interested; 710 at...

    Hey here is a coupon code to save 10% off your order if you are interested; 710 at
  3. B

    opinions on american glass brand?

    Hey Cyproz, thanks for your interest! This is a brand new line of glass that we just started offering a few months ago. The artist also makes glass under another more well known name. These reyclers cyclone well and I have been personally using one for a few weeks and enjoy it. Most peoples...