Recent content by busasmoker00

  1. busasmoker00

    please help, i dont want my ladies to die

    This is only one of 6 plants, the other 5 are doing well for now. I slowly went down on the 8hour light change over a 2 1/2 week period. Ill keep an eye for a sex change. I do agree about to many nutes in my water, only reason i decided to continue was because most reasons i seen was some sort...
  2. busasmoker00

    please help, i dont want my ladies to die

    You think the damaged leaves and even bud leaves will come back or should i trim
  3. busasmoker00

    please help, i dont want my ladies to die

    Im goin on week 5-6 flowing on my auto jock horror and everything was looking great until now. I use nutes every other watering but now it seems i have a serious problem. Only the top leaves on my bud have brown stop, leaf tips are dead and the stems are a dark red color but only on the top of...
  4. busasmoker00

    not quite sure... light green spots

    Anybody ever heard of using coffee grounds to help nitro levels in soil?,
  5. busasmoker00

    not quite sure... light green spots

    Im going on week 2 of jock horror plants since germination. Out of the 5, 2 look normal..ish. 2 have light green spots on the leaves and one is just flat out dying, leaves curled over and yellowing and browning. The 1 dying i transplanted from a soil disk seed starting mix (just wanted to try...
  6. busasmoker00

    new grow check up.

    I definitely will. I feel much better knowing i can seek the extra knowledge here, that google wont find for me. Ill be posting pics along the way and keeping a journal of everything little i tried.
  7. busasmoker00

    new grow check up.

    Thanks for all the info. I will be picking up a bag of perlite when i transplant in a few more days. The humidifier did help. Within an hour i raised from 20% to 50%. I was worried about to much moisture and my lights. This is just my first so im trying everything ive heard and then decide what...
  8. busasmoker00

    new grow check up.

    I looked into adding perlite but the guy at the hydroponic store told me it wasnt necessary with ffof. Considering there still in cups, i can mix later when i transplant into bigger container. Im in a testing phase right now. Trying differnt things, i purchased seed starting mix, and grow...
  9. busasmoker00

    new grow check up.

    Ok so im starting my first real grow and trying to get the best for my money. My setup consists of a 4×2×6 grow tent. T5 HO lighting 4ft × 6 bulb. A ventech 6" inline van with carbon filter. The inline fan does blow cold air out, so today i moved my outlet vent back into the bottom of my grow...
  10. busasmoker00

    Using City Water

    I recently had the idea of using my water purification tablets from my most recent trip to mexico. 1 tablet per liter of tap water. Could plants benefit from this any more than regular tap water?
  11. busasmoker00

    t5 lighting internal ballast

    I have read about many digital ballasts putting out a signal that interferes with radio and cable signals. But does the t5 lighting do the same? They list having an internal ballast but not sure if it runs the same as the external ones, Can it cause problems with close neighbors. I'm looking at...