
Hey everyone! I am a college student, attending school in South Florida! ....I had an idea.....I am always searching the web (stoned) to find new interesting things. My friends will always come to me to hear about the newest videos, products, ideas, and inventions. I thought I would share this hobby and post cool things I find on the web onto a FACEBOOK FAN PAGE. This page is in creation, and I have named it "Daily Oddities" I would love for you to take a look at it, and "like" it only if you want to. I'm not pressuring anyone into liking it. I think that would defeat the purpose of what I am trying to circulate. The things I post, will include easy DO IT YOURSELF ideas, products to help save money, alcoholic beverage ideas (the T~VIRUS shooters are AWESOME!), and much more things I don't have time to list. So check it out. Any suggestions?? Message me.

LINK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Daily-Oddities/197460693645500
EMAIL: [email protected]

Thanks! Happy TOKING!




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