Recent content by bullfrog84

  1. bullfrog84

    Veg bloom or dual

    I'm still getting my grow box calibrated, but from what I researched (several sources) you won't notice anything or you're not able to identify any changes with both spectrums during youth or veg stages, however during flowering it's been said that using both spectrums can cause noticeable...
  2. bullfrog84

    I'm looking for advice on whether or not I need to add more light to my 3x3

    That's the one I have and it works great. If you don't have a PH tester I would grab one of those too as it can be a great help sometimes.
  3. bullfrog84

    I'm looking for advice on whether or not I need to add more light to my 3x3

    Do you have an fla/lux meter? Just pick one up for around 25$ and test it.
  4. bullfrog84

    can you revert an auto-flowering cannabis plant to the vegetative stage?

    I agree as it just a plant with more stress, but still there's much to learn.
  5. bullfrog84

    Seedling aren’t looking so hot. Any ideas???

    Your soil may be drying out to fast due to those "pots". The white stuff on the sides does look a little like mold spots and if that's the case it would be a bad indication on what's going on inside. It does look like the most of the "pot" is soaked through so when you water I would try not to...
  6. bullfrog84

    can you revert an auto-flowering cannabis plant to the vegetative stage?

    Well you'd have to wait for it to flower, decide if you were going to harvest or not, trim it regardless, put it back under the light and pray. So technically it's not a "re-veg", but like several people said; let it flower since you really can't control it.
  7. bullfrog84

    looking for an LED for flowering

    After a lot of research I settled on a viparspectra for my "grow box" that I made out of recycled pallet wood. I cross referenced and researched a few different sites, forums, ratings vs. performance reviews and I have the links if you would like me to send them to you. For me it was a close...
  8. bullfrog84

    can you revert an auto-flowering cannabis plant to the vegetative stage?

    Only my second time growing auto-flower, but you'll have to wait for the whole cycle, again if it survives. Someone gave me some seeds and I found out the hard way they were auto-flowers.