Recent content by buddahbud17

  1. buddahbud17

    soma nyc diesel?

    7 thumbs up for sour! i smoked some sour d, just last night, and then cyphered some regs right after... the sour tasted great. It made the regs that i smoked afterword taste horrible, and made the low grade bud look REALLY BAD! lol by the way, i think im going to try and grow some SD, and...
  2. buddahbud17

    New york

    Wassup? wheres all my new yorkers at?? im tryna link up with some new bud smokers in ny and find out who has good... no great bud? :joint::joint::joint:
  3. buddahbud17


    great site! would the seeds be shipped to me in NY? without a problem?
  4. buddahbud17


    Ohh i didnt know that.. that kinna sucks. i cant get my hands on anything other then the same old haze and sour, or just regs.. and by the way i live in NY so theres no dispensary over here! lol wish there was though.. i've been dying to blow some bubblegum kush!
  5. buddahbud17

    Simple Game...

    legalize it!!
  6. buddahbud17

    A Little Marijuana Info Some Might Find Interesting

    LOL.. anyway pretty cool facts. i love learning new things! thanks bro...
  7. buddahbud17


    I recently went thru a horrible expirience... MY BUD DIED!! lol.. anyway, i was woundering if anyone would spare any seeds for me? any type would do.(Buddah, purple, skunk.. and so on) i would like to give it another try! im a fellow "peace maker" (i smoke pot) lol and we needa look out for...