Recent content by BuBbLe Ku$h

  1. B

    How do I post pics?

    also make sure after you find your picture in your browse... MAKE sure you click on upload afterwards.. your pics must need to be uploaded to be on the posts!
  2. B

    How do I post pics?

    i post my pics by my digital camera.... take the pics plug camera into usb connect on computer, then when you click "new thread" when you make a post just fill the comment area they further down it will say "add attatchment" and "browse" next to it... Click browse and find the pictures on your...
  3. B

    Rusty Spots On My Leaves

    it could be that your nute burning your plant... just if i were you run strictly staright water to your plant for about 2 weeks and see if it starts lookin better.. if it is nute burn that helps wash some of the nute out of roots... but it maybe pH levels in your water i've heard ideal pH level...
  4. B

    Sprouting Seed Pics, Day2

    nope thats a good known way how to sprout your seeds.. just soon as they sprout out of shell practically plant them 1 and a half inches to 2 inches into your medium..
  5. B

    how long in vegging?

    yea dont 18/18 for veg stage ... if i were you i would put on 20 / 4 at least some people tend to use 24 hours light one till about 3 weeks until your prime budding time, then take off 24 hour light and work it down to like 18 / 6 for couple weeks then when you want to flower have the lights set...
  6. B

    Are these SheMans, males or females?

    Definitly Hermies there... theres buds but there will be seeds eevrywhere.
  7. B

    Can I Cut My Top Buds?????

    What up my buds on top are ripen and ready to be smoked but i was just wondering if i could cut like the few top buds off the plant and continue to have the other immature buds that need a couple more weeks about.... i just want to get some harvested by the time im choppin the rest down???
  8. B

    Why Are My Buds Small?????????????

    Its like a 3 foot tall plant
  9. B

    Why Are My Buds Small?????????????

    i got 2 2 foot flourescents with a heat bulb i use to manage climate of my grow room and a fan and its just a random bag seed i got out of some chronic i had
  10. B

    Why Are My Buds Small?????????????

    I been into flowering for about a month at least and my buds are not very big at all... but they smell and look dank.. But most of my hairs are orange and red and there are crystals all over them im wondering if this is all this plant i have has left in her?
  11. B

    Is My Nute Mix Good ?????

    I was just wondering something..? Im about to start another plant but being more effective on nutrients. I have a mixture that is 24 - 8 - 16.. i was jus makin sure i would be alright giving that mix to my plant in veg. stage?
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    Miracle soil necc. isnt bad at all .. there have many succesful harvest with miracle grow. BUT the fertalizers such as the liquids or like the blue powdered garden feeder are not that ideAL .. Too high levels of nittrogen especially when it comes flowering, even though nitrogen is required for...
  13. B

    When Do the Buds Fill Out?

    Bro ur buds look absolutly fine ... but you have to wait longer at least till about 60 to 80 percent of hairs have turned color, and use a magnifying glass to see if the trichomes have changed a milky/smokey color, or even a redish amber color... thats when your buds are ready!
  14. B

    Curious If My Budz Will Fill Out?

    shit heres the pics
  15. B

    Curious If My Budz Will Fill Out?

    Whats up im just wondering if my budz will fill out even though their to the stage in flowerin where most hairs are orange and the trichomes are present but they are SMALL!! People said wait it out to see but im just tryin to get the most information from people on my situation with my girl...