Recent content by Brownbearbauer

  1. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    This is to show the change that happens when you press with too much moisture present and the crumbly waxy consistency it brings about. While it really is great for rolling into joints, I think my personal preference will dictate me drying out my trichomes more before I press next time...
  2. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Looking top shelf Wood! That is going to press out beautifully. Frenchy, I'd love to get your feedback on this idea. In wine, a Mono-cépage means that all of the wine in that bottle was derived from a single varietal of grape. Contrarily, a Meritage is how we classify a Bordeaux-style blending...
  3. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    so I was thinking, there is the level of Master Sommelier as the pinnacle of wine expertise. It should be only natural now that the industry is kicking off, that Cannabis/Hash should have something similar. I was trying to think of an appropriate title, since at this point I would say Frenchy...
  4. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Today was a bittersweet moment for me... I am moving from the west coast and so I made my last batch of hash from my own harvest. It will be the last time for a few years until I finish schooling. Enough sob story... I wanted to thank you again Frenchy. Without your knowledge and desire to...
  5. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Dang Frenchy/CA! Gorgeous work guys. I could tell the black label was going to be some pretty hash, but that is awesome. Is the marbling from the oxidized layers and the center contrasting?
  6. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Please clean your metal better than I did before you do the nepalese ball. I will be wiping with alcohol next time, just very minute vegetable matter. I used my raw rolling tray and a mason jar lid. Turned out well though! Starting the 4 week cure today.
  7. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Thanks for the kind words everyone. Definitely going to let it cure out, I'm excited to watch the process. My friend is a big hash fan, but he wouldn't listen to me when I tried to explain the importance of your methods Frenchy. This was some full melt that he'd kept as ice wax for months. We...
  8. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    I had my first go at pressing/decarbing with your technique Frenchy. I wish I had thought to take before pictures, alas, I was too excited to press! This should give me some practice for pressing my next harvest's hash. This is a mix of Sour Diesel, OG Kush, and Pure Kush full melt treated like...
  9. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Frenchy, you mentioned that sativas give up their trichomes less readily than indicas or kushes. How do you adjust your methods when you encounter a tricky plant? Longer but still gentle agitations?
  10. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Vacpurge, thanks for the photos and explanations! They'll be sure to help me down the road. Looks like some killer hash though! Welcome to the hash party CA! Your work is really impressive and much respect for maintaining heirlooms. It sounds as if you fall in line with your completely accurate...
  11. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Thanks for confirming this for me Frenchy. I've been of this belief for a long time, but never had proof. Mostly because I never had the quantity to cure for the necessary time, but also due to the lack of information even touching on curing hash. It's not a frequently discussed topic it seems...
  12. Brownbearbauer

    Boy Scouts of America

    I received my Eagle Scout, and while a lot of it is just BS with some pomp and circumstance, I truly did learn some valuable life skills through the Boy Scouts. Really comes down to what troop you join and who the adults are.... I was fortunate enough to be in one where we went on high adventure...
  13. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Ya'll are cracking me up. Great trailer TC. Looking forward to making hash with frenchy!
  14. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Thanks for the answer! I'm glad to hear that you cure it also, same goes for pressing. How beneficial is smoothing the pressed hash's outer surface to remove air exchange?
  15. Brownbearbauer

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Good thread, I'm subbed... Frenchy, what are the ideal conditions and duration for curing hash in your opinion, and what are the changes that it undergoes from the curing process?