Recent content by BriceyG

  1. B

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    How is the smell? Looking to have a discreet grow in the near future and I’m looking for something very sweet/fruity. I missed all of the banana varieties
  2. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    Those are MASSIVE! And I’ve been growing since mid April
  3. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    To an extent. While I’m growing CBD It has to be below 0.3% THC to be considered hemp in the state. When I bought the seeds last year I was very limited on the strains I could grow because there was very little variety. There is definitely more of a variety this year but it’s not like I’ll come...
  4. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    That’s all we’re allowed to grow in Virginia. Going to reach out to the breeder when I get the chance.
  5. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    Green Lightning from High Alpine Genetics
  6. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    Won’t be home until tomorrow but the light are going off
  7. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    That makes me feel a little better
  8. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    I’m going to turn the outdoor light off to see if that makes a difference. I was also thinking genetics could play a factor. Want to get more seeds of different genetics to see if it’s the light in the back or genetics. Don’t think it’s nitrogen but it’s a possibility. Been getting a lot of rain...
  9. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    Definitely going to look into it
  10. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    Goodness. I’m four weeks behind
  11. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    Thank you VERY much! Would’ve never had thought. Going to turn the outdoor light off when I get back home and hopefully that’ll help. No room inside unfortunately
  12. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    Yes we do, won’t be gone until Sunday to take a picture though to show how much
  13. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    Unfortunately I can’t
  14. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    That’s what I was thinking! Follow a hemp grower from Virginia as well, maybe about an hour or so drive away and all of his plants are in flowers. Should I reach out to the breeder?
  15. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    The plants